Investment Policy
   36.001   Policy
   36.002   Scope
   36.003   Prudence
   36.004   Objective
   36.005   Delegation of authority
   36.006   Ethics and conflicts of interest
   36.007   Authorized financial dealers and institutions
   36.008   Authorized and suitable investments
   36.009   Collateralization
   36.010   Safekeeping and custody
   36.011   Diversification
   36.012   Maximum maturities
   36.013   Internal control
   36.014   Performance standards
   36.015   Reporting
   36.016   Marking to market
   36.017   Investment policy adoption
Taxation; Generally
   36.030   Corporate rate
   36.031   Police tax
   36.032   Audit tax
   36.033   F.I.C.A. tax
   36.034   IMRF
   36.035   General liability
   36.036   Revenues from Illinois Video Gaming Act and Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act
Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate
   36.050   Definitions
   36.051   Registration of telecommunications providers
   36.052   Simplified municipal telecommunications tax rate
   36.053   Collection, enforcement and administration of simplified municipal telecommunications tax rate fees
   36.054   Compliance with other laws
   36.055   Existing franchises and licenses
   36.056   Enforcement
Municipal Utility Tax
   36.070   Tax imposed
   36.071   Exceptions
   36.072   Additional taxes
   36.073   Definitions
   36.074   Reports to municipality
   36.075   Credit for over payment
Electric Utility Tax
   36.090   Tax imposed
   36.091   Type of customer; rate effective
   36.092   Sunset clause; gross receipts utility tax
   36.093   Effective date for subchapter
   36.094   Exceptions
   36.095   Additional taxes
   36.096   Collection
   36.097   Reports to village
   36.098   Credit for overpayment
Foreign Fire Insurance Companies
   36.110   Conformance
   36.111   Fees
   36.112   Required reports
   36.113   Recovery of monies
   36.114   Unlawful operation
Locally Imposed and Administered Tax Rights and Responsibility
   36.125   Title
   36.126   Scope
   36.127   Definitions
   36.128   Notices
   36.129   Late payment
   36.130   Payment
   36.131   Certain credits and refunds
   36.132   Audit procedure
   36.133   Appeal
   36.134   Hearing
   36.135   Interest
   36.136   Abatement
   36.137   Installment contracts
   36.138   Statute of limitations
   36.139   Voluntary disclosures
   36.140   Publication of tax ordinances
   36.141   Internal review procedure
   36.142   Application
   36.999   Penalty