(A)   No license shall be issued for the sale at retail of any alcoholic liquor within one hundred (100) feet of any church; school; hospital; home for the aged or indigent persons or veterans, their wives, their children; or any military or naval station; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to hotels offering restaurant service, regularly organized clubs, restaurants, licensed premises within a Festival Area, or grocery stores.
   (B)   Except in the case of hotels and clubs, no alcoholic liquor shall be sold at retail upon any premises which has any access which leads from such premises to any other portion of the same building or structure used for dwelling or lodging purposes and which is permitted to be used or kept accessible for use by the public. This provision shall not prevent any connection between such premises or such other portion of the building or structure used only by the licensee, his family, and personal guests.
   (C)   No licensee shall hold forth or operate at any place other than the licensed premises designated in his application for a license.
   (D)   No license except a Temporary Special Event License or a Temporary Special Use License or a Festival Events License or Temporary Special Event Permit License or Retail Business Customer License shall issue for any premises except the interior of a building or a fully enclosed area adjacent to and forming part of a building constituting a licensed premises which area is fully enclosed by a permanent solid board fence not less than 8 feet in height and which area has no entry or access except from the interior of a building forming part of the licensed premises, provided that the required fence (which must meet all other requirements) for a dining area where food is actually served may be a wrought iron fence not less than five feet in height for a premises licensed as a restaurant or as a restaurant with lounge upon the written approval of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner after a determination by said Commissioner that such wrought iron fence and the use thereof is compatible with adjacent properties and uses. A Temporary Special Event License or Temporary Special Use License or a Festival Events License or Temporary Special Event Permit License may issue for the interior of a building and/or a fully enclosed area which is fully enclosed by a permanent or temporary fence not less than 4 feet in height and which area has no entry or access point except entrances that are clearly designated as the only place of entry or exit and which area (including without limitation the fencing and each entrance) is monitored at all times by an adult agent of the Licensee who shall be not less than 21 years of age. Sidewalk dining areas subject of a Downtown Sidewalk Dining Liquor Permit shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 119 of the Revised Code of Ordinances.
   (E)   No license except a except a Package Sales Beer and Wine License shall be issued to an applicant whose principal business at the premises described in the application is the sale at retail of groceries or drugs.
   (F)   No license except a Package Sales Beer and Wine License or Interchange Video Gaming License shall be issued to any premises where gasoline, diesel, petroleum fuels, or other fuels for motor vehicles as defined within the Illinois Vehicle code are dispensed or sold nor to any premises immediately abutting or adjacent to a premises owned, leased, managed, or controlled by a Licensee in whole or part where gasoline, diesel, petroleum fuels, or other fuels for motor vehicles as defined within the Illinois Vehicle Code are dispensed or sold.
   (G)   No license shall be issued to any person for the sale at retail of any alcoholic liquor at any store or other place of business where the majority of customers are minors of school age or where the principal business transacted consists of school books, school supplies, food, lunches, or drinks for such minors.
   (H)   When a license has been revoked for any cause, no license shall be granted to any person for the period of one (1) year thereafter for the conduct of business of selling alcoholic liquor at retail on the premises or on any part of the premises subject of the revoked license.
   (I)   No license shall be issued to any massage parlor as defined within Chapter 116 of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the City of Mt. Vernon.
   (J)   No license shall be issued to any sexually oriented business which shall include an adult store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult theater, escort agency, semi-nude model studio, sexual encounter center or similar adult use.
   (K)   No license shall be issued to any tattoo shop, tattoo parlor or to any similar business offering tattoo services.
   (L)   (1)   No license shall be issued for the sale at retail of any alcoholic liquor within 800 feet of any massage parlor as defined within Chapter 116 of the Revised Code of Ordinances or within 800 feet of any sexually oriented business or within 800 feet of any tattoo shop, tattoo parlor or any similar business offering tattoo services.
      (2)   For purposes of this subparagraph measurements shall be in straight line without regard to intervening structures or objects from the closest exterior wall of the structure in which each business is located.
   (M)   Not more than one license shall be issued for the sale at retail of any alcoholic liquor for any structure or for any lot as defined by Chapter 161 of the Revised Code of Ordinances. The location restriction within this subparagraph shall not apply to a licensed premises having a valid license for the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor issued prior to December 18, 2006 for so long as the license for the premises in question is renewed each subsequent year and continues in effect during all periods from such date (i.e. The R & R Crossing and The Depot); nor shall the location restriction within this subparagraph apply to a licensed premises forming part of a planned shopping center situated upon real estate having the Zoning Classification B-PL, Planned Business District.
(Prior Code, Art. 6, § 6.11)