112.01 Legislative findings, declaration and purpose
112.02 Definitions
112.03 License required
112.04 License fee
112.05 Non-transferability of license
112.06 Prohibited sales/distribution
112.07 Warning signs
112.08 Identification required
112.09 Minimum age to purchase or accept tobacco products
112.10 Minimum age to sell tobacco products
112.11 Vending machines prohibited
112.12 Proximity to certain institutions
112.13 Tobacco samples and certain free distributions prohibited
112.14 Out-of-package sales prohibited
112.15 Vendor-assisted sales
112.16 Responsibility for agents and employees
112.17 Use or possession by minors prohibited
112.18 Inspection
112.19 Sales/distribution violation
112.20 Purchase/possession violations
112.21 Suspension and revocation of license
112.22 Non-retaliation
112.23 Severability
112.24 Enforcement
112.25 Conflict
112.26 Effective date
The Mt. Vernon City Council finds cigarette smoking and other tobacco use by minors a grave public health problem. Therefore, the purpose of this Article is to implement a strict and enforceable system to prevent the illegal sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors.
(A) Findings:
(1) Cigarette smoking is dangerous to human health;
(2) There exists substantial scientific evidence that the use of tobacco products causes cancer, heart disease, and various other medical disorders;
(3) The Surgeon General of the United States has declared that nicotine addiction from tobacco is similar to addiction to cocaine and is the most widespread example of drug dependence in this country;
(4) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found that among persons who have ever tried a cigarette, more than eighty (80) percent reported having had their first cigarette before age eighteen (18); and
(5) The National Institute on Drug Abuse has found that cigarette smoking precedes and may be predictive of adolescent illicit drug use.
(B) The enactment of this Article intends to further the health, welfare and safety of the residents of the City of Mt. Vernon, Jefferson County, Illinois, particularly those residents under eighteen (18) years of age.
(Prior Code, Art. 30, § 1)