After an extensive plan review, the following uses may be permitted in a PD Planned Development District:
   (a)   Camps;
   (b)   Manufactured home parks pursuant to Section 1157.10;
   (c)   Vacation home developments;
   (d)   Large recreational complexes having several types of recreational uses;
   (e)   Manufacturing parks;
   (f)   Housing projects for three acres or fifteen or more dwelling units;
   (g)   Shopping centers;
   (h)   Facilities needed in support of any of the uses set forth in divisions (a) to (g) of this section, such as shopping, schools, churches, clubs, parks, water and/or sewage treatment facilities, etc., when submitted as a part of the overall development plan;
   (i)   Combinations of the uses set forth in divisions (a) to (h) of this section;
   (j)   Home businesses;
   (k)   Essential services;
   (l)   Accessory uses;
   (m)   Public uses; and
   (n)   Public service facilities.
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)