   The following types of signs are expressly prohibited in all zone districts:
   (A)   A-frame signs. A-frame signs or sandwich board, sidewalk, or curb signs are prohibited.
   (B)   Abandoned signs. Such business signs that advertise an activity, business, product, or service no longer conducted or available shall be prohibited and may be removed by the town.
   (C)   Animated and intensely lighted signs. No sign shall be permitted which is animated by means of flashing, scintillating, blinking, or traveling lights or any other device or means not providing constant illumination.
   (D)   Banners and pennants. Banners and pennants shall be permitted so long as they are at least ten feet from any street right-of-way and located so as not to obstruct vision or otherwise create a hazard to traffic. No permit shall be required.
   (E)   Lights and balloons. Search lights, twirling signs, balloons, or other gas-filled figures shall not be used except as set forth below. Such signs shall be permitted at the opening of a new business in a commercial or industrial district for a period not to exceed 60 days; and will be permitted in residential districts in conjunction with an open house or model demonstration conducted by a realtor for two days after and not to exceed a total period of 30 days.
   (F)   Miscellaneous signs and posters. The tacking, pasting, or otherwise affixing of signs of a miscellaneous character, visible from a roadway, located on the walls of buildings, barns, sheds, on trees, poles, posts, fences, or other structures is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code.
   (G)   Moving signs. No sign or any portion thereof shall be permitted which moves or assumes any motion, or give the illusion of moving.
   (H)   Off-premise signs. Off-premise signs shall be prohibited except as is expressly permitted in this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code.
   (I)   Projecting signs. No sign shall project over or into the street right-of-way.
   (J)   Public areas. No sign shall be permitted which is placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, electrolier, hydrant, bridge, tree, or other surface located on public property or over or across any street or roadway except as otherwise expressly authorized by this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code.
   (K)   Swinging signs. Overhead swinging signs are prohibited.
   (L)   Towers (water, radio, and the like). No sign shall be placed on any tower or tank without the approval of the Town Plan Commission.
   (M)   Unclassified signs. The following signs are also prohibited which:
      (1)   Bear or contain statements, words, or pictures of an obscene, pornographic, immoral character, or which contain advertising matter which is untruthful or will offend public morals or decency;
      (2)   Are painted on or attached to any fence or any wall which is not structurally a part of a building except to identify a residence or residence structure by means of posting the name of the occupant or structure, and the street address;
      (3)   Operate or employ any stereopticon or motion picture projection or media in conjunction with any advertisements, or have visible moving parts of any portion of which moves, or gives the illusion of movements except as permitted in this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code;
      (4)   Emit audible sound, odor, or visible matter;
      (5)   Signs which purport to be, or are an imitation of, or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, or which bear the words stop, go slow, caution, danger, warning, or similar words; except as permitted in § 110.41(D);
      (6)   Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of illumination, may be confused with or constructed as a traffic-control sign, signal, or device, or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle or which hide from view any traffic or roadway sign or signal or device;
      (7)   Obstruct any door, fire escape, stairway, or any opening intended to provide air, egress, or ingress for any building or structure;
      (8)   Were erected before the adoption and effective date of the Outdoor Advertising Sign Code, and for which a proper permit was not issued; or
      (9)   Are not included under the types of signs permitted in this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code.
Penalty, see § 110.99
§ 110.41 EXEMPTIONS.
   The following types of signs are exempted from all provisions of this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code, except for construction and safety regulations and the following requirements:
   (A)   Business identification sign. An identification sign on or near (above or beside) a public entrance or service entrance to a business in a business, commercial, or industrial zone is permitted, provided such signs state only the street address number and name of the business or building, that such sign shall be mounted flush against the wall, and that such sign shall not exceed four square feet.
   (B)   Damaged signs. A sign erected under a legally obtained permit which is damaged or destroyed by wind, weather, or other accidental means beyond the control of the applicant may be replaced or restored to its original size, shape, and location (as prior to the accident) without obtaining an additional permit. Replacement of a damaged or destroyed sign with a new sign of different size, shape, or location from the original sign shall require a permit.
   (C)   Integral signs. Names of building, date of erection, monumental citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stones, concrete, or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum, or other permanent type construction and made an integral part of the structure.
   (D)   Parking signs. Signs for public and private parking shall be permitted. Such signs shall be subject to a three-foot setback from right-of-way, and shall not be used for advertising purposes. Signs shall be no higher than six feet and no greater than six feet in area. Such signs shall be installed so as to not present a hazard to traffic entering or leaving the premises.
   (E)   Private traffic direction signs. Signs directing traffic movement onto or within a premise. Illumination of these signs shall be permitted in accordance with § 110.43. The leading edge of such signs shall be a minimum of three feet from any curb or traffic movement aisle, the sign shall be no higher than three feet, and no greater than six square feet in area.
   (F)   Public signs. Signs of a noncommercial nature and in the public interest erected by or on the order of public officers in performance of their public duty, such as safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, memorial plaques, signs of historical interest, signs directing the traveling public to public and quasi-public facilities, or signs on public buildings or structures, and the like.
   (G)   Small signs. A nameplate which shall not exceed two square feet in area is permitted for each dwelling unit of a single-family or row structure; such nameplate shall state nothing other than the name or address of the occupant, or legal customary home occupation. No other sign shall be allowed. This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit each dwelling unit from also displaying a house numbering plate for identification. Signs on the premises announcing rooms, apartments, or houses for rent and not exceeding four square feet in area. Also, provided that the signs are located ten feet from the street right-of-way.
   (H)   Social or charitable organizations. Signs indicating the names and locations of churches, charitable organizations, and community service organizations are permitted, provided that the sign area shall not exceed four square feet, shall be located at least ten feet off the street right-of-way, and shall in no way obstruct the view of pedestrians or vehicular traffic. Such signs shall be permitted as off-premises signs; provided, however, such signs have a minimum spacing of 500 feet between any two signs in this category.
   (I)   Vehicle signs. Signs on vehicles are permitted, provided the sign is painted to or attached permanently to the body of the original motor-powered vehicle and does not project or extend beyond the original manufactured body proper of the motor-driven vehicle. Such vehicles and semi-trailers shall be parked a minimum distance of ten feet from any street right-of-way and shall be located so as to not create an obstruction or hazard to the traveling public. Trucks and trailers may be used as signs for special events or sales for a maximum period of 30 days, if trucks or trailers are loaded with sale items.
   (J)   Window signs. Window signs are permitted, provided such signs conform to the construction, illumination, and safety regulations of this Outdoor Advertising Sign Code.
Penalty, see § 110.99
   The following signs shall be permitted at any location within the town and shall be required to have a permit unless otherwise specified.
   (A)   Construction signs. Construction signs which identify the architects, engineers, contractors, and other individuals or firms involved with construction, but not including any advertisement of any product, and signs announcing the character of the building enterprise of the purpose for which the building intended during the construction period to a maximum of 32 square feet for each firm. The minimum setback shall be ten feet from any street right-of-way. The sign shall be confined to the site of construction and shall be removed within 30 days after the end of construction.
   (B)   Garage sale signs. Signs advertising the sale of miscellaneous household items for the purpose of a residential garage or yard sale shall not exceed four square feet in area. Such signs may be erected on the premises one week in advance of the sale and shall be removed within 48 hours after the sale. No permit shall be required.
   (C)   Political campaign signs. Political campaign signs announcing the candidates seeking public political office shall be confined within private property and not within the street right-of-way, shall be permitted no more than 45 days prior to the scheduled election and shall be removed within 14 days after election for which they were made. Such signs shall not be required to obtain a permit.
   (D)   Portable signs. One portable sign may be permitted for a time period not to exceed 60 days in any 180-day period. Renewal permits may be obtained so long as there are no zoning violations relative to that permit, provided such sign shall:
      (1)   Be located not less than 10 feet from any public right-of-way.
      (2)   Not obstruct the flow or sight pattern of vehicular traffic on any established right-of-way.
      (3)   Not be less than ten feet from adjoining residential lot.
      (4)   Have a face not exceeding 32 square feet.
      (5)   Meet the illumination requirements as set forth in § 110.43 and in addition be approved by the Building Commissioner.
   (E)   Real estate signs. One real estate sign advertising the sale, rental, or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the sign is displayed shall not exceed four square feet in residential, and 32 square feet in commercial zones. Such sign shall be removed within 14 days of the sale, rental, or lease. The minimum setback from the street right-of-way shall be ten feet. Signs shall reflect no advertising or promotional material other than to indicate the party listing the property for sale, rental, or lease. Such a sign shall not be required to obtain a permit.
   (F)   Street banners. Street banners advertising a public entertainment or event and only for locations designated by the Building Commissioner, during and for, 14 days prior and 14 days after the event. Such signs shall not be required to obtain a permit.
   (G)   Subdivision or multi-family sign.
      (1)   One temporary subdivision or multiple-family project identity sign indicating only the name or address of the premises or name of the management. Such a sign shall not exceed 32 square feet or face area and shall be located a minimum distance of ten feet from any street right-of-way, excepting, however, for each additional foot (beyond 10) that the setback distance is increased, the face area of the sign may be increased by one square foot, up to a maximum allowable size of 100 square feet. The maximum time period will be 12 months from the date the sign permit is issued.
      (2)   Such sign may be extended for another 12 months by the Town Building Commissioner or until the project is 85% completed or is occupied. Permanent identification signs may be obtained pursuant to § 110.51.
Penalty, see § 110.99
   (A)   All illuminated signs must meet the standards as specified in the National Electrical Code.
   (B)   No sign shall have blinking, flashing, or fluttering lights, nor shall any device be utilized which has a changing light intensity, brightness, or color or gives such an illusion.
   (C)   The full number of illuminating elements thereof shall be kept in satisfactory working condition or immediately repaired or replaced. Signs that are only partially illuminated shall meet all electrical requirements for that portion directly illuminated. All electrical wiring shall be in conduit and not exposed to the elements or external stress in any way. All electrical signs shall have a disconnecting switch located in a readily accessible place.
   (D)   Neither the direct nor reflected light from a primary light source shall create a traffic hazard to operators of motor vehicles on public or private roadways.
   (E)   The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shaded, shielded, or directed that the light intensity or brightness will not be objectionable to the surrounding areas.
Penalty, see § 110.99