Real Property Tax Refund Procedure
34.01 Title
34.02 Purpose
34.03 Notification procedure
34.04 Refund of overpaid real property taxes
34.05 Credit against current real property taxes due
34.06 Reporting and approval of County Commission
Primary Residential Tax Exemption
34.20 Authority and purpose
34.21 Procedure
34.22 Criteria
34.23 Grandfather provision
34.24 Conflict
34.25 State law incorporated
34.40 Adopted fee schedule
34.41 Local option transportation corridor preservation fee
Sale of Properties with Delinquent Taxes
34.55 Definitions
34.56 Bidder registration procedures
34.57 Redemption rights and procedures
34.58 Prohibited conduct
34.59 Conflict of interest prohibitions and disclosure requirements
34.60 Criteria for accepting or rejecting bids
34.61 Sale ratification procedures
34.62 Criteria for granting bidder preference
34.63 Method and procedure of payment, fees, and premiums
34.64 Procedures for contesting bids and sales
34.65 Criteria for striking properties to the county
34.66 Procedures for disclosing properties withdrawn from the sale
34.67 Disclaimer by county with respect to tax sale procedures