If and when a sanitary sewer approved by the State Department of Health or Indiana Department of Environmental Management is available and within 300 feet of the property line of the residential or commercial property and the estimated cost of sewer construction and connection does not exceed 150% of the estimated cost of an OSS, a direct connection may be required to said sewer, and all septic tanks shall be abandoned in a safe and sanitary manner as approved by the County Health Department. Such direct connection shall be completed by the owner and/or the occupant of the premises or their agents within 90 days after receipt of written notice ordering such action. Failure of the owner or the occupant to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a violation of this subchapter and the violator shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 53.99.
(Ord. 4-3-3.2, passed 4-2-2012)