The following requirements must be met before the issuance of a permit for an OSS:
   (A)   A completed application;
   (B)   A written site evaluation report, performed by an IRSS certified soil science consultant, containing soil absorption field site characteristics, a soil profile report, and the soil profile characteristics, which include at least two soil borings per septic site, unless more borings are deemed necessary by the Health Department;
   (C)   A plot plan that includes:
      (1)   Legal description of the property;
      (2)   Property boundaries; and
      (3)   Utility and drainage easements.
   (D)   An OSS plan that includes:
      (1)   A drawing of the OSS site or a sketch of the onsite system on a copy of the plat with measurements, identification of the OSS on the property and required consultation with the local health department;
      (2)   Property boundaries;
      (3)   Footprint of all structures (existing and proposed);
      (4)   Setbacks and separation distances required herein;
      (5)   Identification of all existing and proposed water supply wells within 100 feet of the OSS;
      (6)   Location of all soil borings; and
      (7)   One hundred-year flood elevations as determined by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and identification of all portions of the property at and below the 100-year flood elevation may be required.
   (E)   Detailed floor plan of the residence;
   (F)   Detailed cross section of the soil absorption field and the subsurface drainage system;
   (G)   Elevation of exposed working outlet of perimeter drain; and
   (H)   Any additional information that is deemed necessary by the County Health Officer.
(Ord. 4-3-3.2, passed 4-2-2012)