(a)   Members of the Diversity and Inclusion Commission will study the impacts of racism and other discriminatory actions and beliefs, including implicit bias, in Moreland Hills, and formulate recommendations to address those impacts and to increase engagement and inclusion. The Commission shall provide a report to Council on an annual basis or more frequently as the Commission may deem necessary, and shall make recommendations to Council on engaging residents, celebrating diversity and advancing equity, inclusion, fairness and social justice in the Moreland Hills community and its environs. The Commission's recommendations shall be directed to ensuring that success and a sense of belonging in the community are not related to race, color, age, disability, education, marital or family status, sex, gender identity or expression, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, military service or status or veteran status.
   (b)   To accomplish these goals, the Commission may engage in the following general activities:
      (1)   Evaluate Village policies, practices and activities, including but not limited to law enforcement, in order to understand the role and extent of explicit and implicit biases that impede the creation or stability of the desired inclusive community, if any such biases are identified.
      (2)   Engage residents and businesses to gain input and develop public support for the subject matter of the Commission's goals and responsibilities, in public hearings or other formats authorized by the Mayor and Council.
      (3)   Advise the Village on strategies/events/forums to improve outreach and communication, increase engagement, equity and inclusiveness; and celebrate diversity.
      (4)   Develop and/or support educational materials/programs for residents that support the Commission's goals.
   (c)   The Commission shall prepare and submit to the Mayor and Village Council by the end of each calendar year a written report that summarizes its observations and its activities during said year and any recommendations for Council's consideration that may arise from such observations and activities.
   (d)   Members of the Commission shall have no legislative authority and shall be authorized only to prepare reports for and make recommendations to Council and engage residents in Village-approved events/forums as described in Section 161.02(b)(2).
(Ord. 2022-17. Passed 3-9-22.)