(a)   Required Vacant Dwelling Registration. One owner of each vacant dwelling within the Village, or a mortgagee that has filed a foreclosure action that is currently pending regarding any vacant dwelling within the Village, shall register the vacant dwelling with the Building Inspector, and maintain a current registration. Vacant dwelling registrations shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the dwelling meets the definition of a vacant dwelling.
   One owner of each vacant dwelling within the Village, or a mortgagee that has filed a foreclosure action that is currently pending regarding any vacant dwelling within the Village, shall maintain a current vacant dwelling registration as long as the dwelling remains vacant.
   (b)   Vacant Dwelling Registration Form. The vacant dwelling registration form shall be provided by the Building Inspector and shall require, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   The name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the owner and/or the foreclosing entity submitting the vacant dwelling registration;
      (2)   The direct mailing address of the owner and/or foreclosing entity;
      (3)   In the case of an owner and/or foreclosing entity whose home or business address is located outside of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the name and mailing address of a local property management company as well as the contact name, telephone number and e-mail address of the person responsible for the security, maintenance, and marketing of the property;
      (4)   The name of the person or persons with authority to manage the property and the contact information, including mailing address and telephone number for such person or persons;
      (5)   The name of the person or persons in control of the rental dwelling; and
      (6)   Any other information the Building Inspector deems reasonably necessary to further the purpose of this chapter.
   (c)   Fee. The fee for a vacant dwelling registration shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year. The fee for a vacant dwelling registration shall be pro-rated on a quarterly basis. All vacant dwelling registrations shall be renewed by June 1st of each year and the cost of a vacant dwelling registration renewal shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00). A late charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid for each vacant dwelling registration that is not renewed by June 1st of each year.
   (d)   Maintenance Responsibilities. Each owner of a vacant dwelling within the Village, or a mortgagee that has filed a foreclosure action that is currently pending regarding any vacant dwelling within the Village, shall maintain the vacant dwelling in accordance with the following:
      (1)   In accordance with all Village ordinances, including Chapter 1351 relating to Maintenance of Dwelling Structures;
      (2)   All grass shall be maintained in accordance with Section 521.14 and shrubbery must be trimmed and maintained in a neat manner that does not encroach on or touch the dwelling;
      (3)   All exterior doors, windows, and yard fencing must be in a good and secured condition and no boards, plywood, or similar materials shall be used to secure windows and doors. Doors and windows that are deemed insecure by the Building Inspector shall be secured by replacement with similar, new doors or window units equipped with locking hardware;
      (4)   Any accumulated trash or debris must be removed immediately from the dwelling or the land upon which such dwelling is located; and
      (5)   Pools and spas shall be drained and maintained in a dry condition.
   Adherence with this section shall not relieve the owner or a mortgagee that has filed a foreclosure action of any obligations set forth in any covenants, conditions, restrictions, homeowners' association rules and regulations and/or codified ordinances or building codes that are applicable to the property or the land upon which such dwelling is located.
   The Building Inspector may require the owner or a mortgagee that has filed a foreclosure action to provide a written report from a professional architect and/or engineer regarding the structural integrity of the vacant dwelling and the repairs necessary to ensure the structural integrity of the vacant dwelling.
   (e)   Owner Inspection Responsibilities. The owner of a vacant dwelling within the Village, or a mortgagee that has filed a foreclosure action that is currently pending regarding any vacant dwelling within the Village, shall inspect the interior and exterior of the dwelling and the land upon which the dwelling is located at least once each month to verify that the requirements of this chapter and all other applicable laws and regulations are being met. A written report of such inspections shall be provided the Building Inspector upon written request of the Building Inspector. (Ord. 2012-40. Passed 5-9-12.)