Fences and walls shall be no higher than four feet above natural grade as defined in Section 1121.12 in front and side yards in front of the rear building line except as follows:
   (a)   The Building Inspector may, in his discretion, approve the following:
      (1)   Fences four feet or less in height and at least fifty percent (50%) open.
      (2)   Decorative walls and fences eighteen inches or less in height.
      (3)   Driveway entrance fences and walls four feet or less in height and eight feet or less in length, provided all of the following apply:
         A.   No portion of the driveway entrance wall or fence shall be located more than eight feet from the pavement of the driveway,
         B.   The fence or wall shall contain no more than two, two-foot square columns, and
         C.   No gates shall be permitted.
   (b)   The Building Inspector may elect to refer any application made under Section 1345.03(a) to the Planning Commission for its further review.
   (c)   The Planning Commission may, in its discretion, approve the following:
      (1)   Retaining walls necessary to provide grade separation.
      (2)   Fences or walls which are structurally an integral part of the architecture of the dwelling or accessory buildings.
      (3)   Any application referred to the Planning Commission by the Building Inspector, as provided by Section 1345.03(b).
   (d)   Prior to issuance of permit, survey by registered surveyor must be submitted to the Building Inspector and clearly marked. The property lines shall be clearly marked in a manner clearly acceptable to the Building Inspector.
      (Ord. 2005-54. Passed 6-8-05.)