(a) "Cut" means a portion of land surface or area from which the earth has been removed or will be removed by excavation.
(b) "Earth material" means soil, sediment, rock, sand, gravel and organic material or residue associated with or attached to the soil.
(c) "Earth moving" means any excavating, cutting or filling, or any stockpiling thereof.
(d) "Earth disturbing activity" means any grading, excavating, filling, drilling or other alteration of the earth's surface where natural or man-made ground cover is destroyed and which may result in or contribute to erosion and sediment pollution.
(e) "Erosion" means the process by which the land surface is worn away by the action of water, wind, ice or gravity.
(f) "Fill" means depositing of soil, rock or other materials by other than natural means.
(g) "Finish grade" means the final grade or elevation of the ground surface after grading is completed.
(h) "Grade" means the rise or descent of a sloping surface.
(i) "Grading" means earth disturbing activity such as excavation, stripping, cutting, filling, stockpiling or any combination thereof.
(j) "Hillside control measures" means all of the planning work and control that is required and specified by this chapter.
(k) "Protected Hillside Zone" means those areas within the Village meeting the criteria set forth in Section 1341.04.
(l) "Impervious surface" means water shedding surface which may include roads, buildings, tennis courts, roofs, driveways, patios, pool decks, parking lots and other similar water shedding surfaces.
(m) "Landslide" means the rapid mass movement of soil and rock material downhill under the influence of gravity in which the movement of the soil mass occurs along an interior surface of sliding.
(n) "Natural gradient" means the rate of ascent or descent of natural ground surfaces or natural terrains.
(o) "Natural ground surface" or "natural terrain" means the ground surface in its original state before any grading, excavation or filling.
(p) "Natural vegetation" means plant materials and trees which are indigenous to the area and exist on a site prior to any vegetation destruction, construction, earth moving or earth disturbing activity.
(q) "Owner/developer/builder/occupant" means an individual, firm, association, syndicate, partnership or corporation having sufficient proprietary interest to seek development of land.
(r) "Run-off" means the part of precipitation which flows over land without filtering into the soil.
(s) "Sediment" means solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by wind, water, gravity, or ice, and has come to rest on the earth's surface.
(t) "Slip" means landslide as defined herein.
(u) "Sloughing" means a slip or downward movement of an extended layer of soil resulting from the undermining action of water or the earth-disturbing activity of man.
(v) "Slope" means an inclined ground surface; the inclination is expressed as a ratio of the horizontal distance to the vertical distance.
(w) "Soil" means unconsolidated erodible earth material consisting of minerals and/or organics.
(x) "Unstable soil" means a portion of land surface or area which is prone to slipping, sloughing or landslides.
(Ord. 1992-42. Passed 7-8-92.)