The following specific development standards shall be adhered to in the design and layout of any Residential Open Space Conservation Development.
   (a)   Minimum Setbacks. All buildings, structures and parking areas shall comply with the minimum setbacks set forth in Schedule 1153.11 and the regulations in this Section.
   (b)   Minimum Spacing Between Buildings. In order to ensure reasonable privacy and separation, individual buildings including terraces, decks and patios shall be separated by the minimum spacing set forth in Schedule 1153.11. These distances may be reduced when the Planning Commission finds that adequate landscaping, screening, and/or architectural features are provided to ensure privacy between units. (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)
   (c)   Schedule 1153.11. Minimum Setback and Spacing Requirements.
Schedule 1153.11
Minimum Setback and Spacing Requirements
Residential Open Space
Conservation District
1. Setback from existing public street right-of-way line abutting the property owner’s property
75 ft. (e) or
Width of the setback building line shown on the Zoning Map
2. Setback from project boundary, other than a public street (c) (d)
25 ft.
3. Setback from interior public right-of-way line abutting the property owner’s property
20 ft.
4. Setback from common drive
16 ft. (b)
5. Spacing between buildings
Side to side
15 ft.
Side to rear
25 ft.
Rear to rear
35 ft. (a)
Notes to Schedule 1153.11
(a)   When the rear wall of one dwelling is adjacent to the rear wall of a second dwelling, the minimum separation shall be the distance set forth in this Schedule or equal to the length of the adjacency, whichever is greater.
(b)   When garage doors face the common drive, the garage doors shall be at least twenty (20) feet from the edge of pavement.
(c)   No buildings or structures shall be placed within the setback from a project boundary.
(d)   When the project boundary is not located adjacent to a U-1 zoning district boundary line, the Planning Commission may reduce the minimum width of the setback from a project boundary.
      (Ord. 2015-15. Passed 5-13-15.)
   (d)   Minimum Setback for Interior Streets. Interior public streets shall be located a minimum of twenty (20) feet from an U-4 boundary, except as necessary to traverse this required setback to provide access to an existing public street right-of-way. (Ord. 2013-05. Passed 6-12-13.)
   (e)   Minimum Setback for Common Drives. No common drive shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to any project boundary line of the Residential Open Space Conservation development.
   (f)   Lot Requirements. Dwelling units are not required to be on individual lots. However, when lots for standard detached single-family dwelling units or sublots for single-family detached clusters are included as part of a Residential Open Space Conservation Development, such lots or sublots shall be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate dwelling units in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Section.
The applicant shall depict on the development plan the maximum parameters, or building envelopes, to indicate where buildings, projections, porches, decks, patios etc. shall be located, and shall demonstrate that such structure location will be in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Section.
   (g)   Required Landscaping. The required setbacks from the project boundary specified in Schedule 1153.11 shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 1175.
      (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)
   (h)   Maximum Height. The height of principal buildings and structures shall not exceed two and one-half (2.5) stories and thirty-five (35) feet and the height of accessory buildings or structures shall not exceed nine (9) feet as measured from the natural grade to the eave line. (Ord. 2013-05. Passed 6-12-13.)
   (i)   Stormwater Detention/Retention Facilities. Detention/retention facilities that are visible from an existing public street shall be integrated into a landscaped area. Such landscaped areas shall contain any combination of the following elements: shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges, and/or other planting materials as well as ornamental fencing.
   (j)   Structures shall be located on the lot with consideration for preservation of natural features and avoidance of constraints to development.
   (k)   In protected hillside zone areas, development shall comply with provisions of Chapter 1173.
   (l)   In designated flood hazard areas, development shall comply with Chapter 1173.
   (m)   Building sites and improvements shall be designed in a manner which minimizes unnecessary changes to topography, and disturbance to unique natural site characteristics.
   (n)   Housing units shall be arranged so that the view from the front of any residence facing a street shall not be blocked by another residence.
   (o)   Site design shall be considerate of views to and from adjacent residential districts, to minimize impacts where the character of proposed developments may differ from existing development.
   (p)   While it is intended that residences be designed in a coordinated and harmonious manner, repetitions of building design shall be avoided.
   (q)   All development plans and related improvements shall be in accordance with the applicable Subdivision Regulations of the Village of Moreland Hills and shall conform to construction and material standards applicable within the Village.
      (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 7-11-12.)