Table 162-1: Residential Dimensional Standards identifies the specific development standards that apply to each of the residential and agricultural zoning districts.
Developm ent Standard
Agricul- tural "AG"
Rural Settlem ent "RS"
Low Density Resident ial "R- 1"
Medium Density Resident ial "R- 2"
High Density Resident ial "R- 3"
Addition al Standard s
Minimum lot area
5 acres (217,8 00 sq. ft.)
2 acres (87,120 sq. ft.)
10,000 sq. ft.
6,500 sq. ft.
5,800 sq. ft. for single and two- family dwellings
2,900 sq. ft. per unit for dwellings with 3 or more units
Minimum lot width
30 ft.
150 ft.
80 ft.
65 ft.
65 ft.
Maximum height
30 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft. for single and two- family dwellings, dormit- ories, boarding houses, and fratern ities/sor orities
45 ft.
for non- residential uses and dwellings with 3 or more units
Minimum front yard setback
50 ft.
50 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
Minimum side yard setback
20 ft.
20 ft.
15 ft.
12 ft.
8 ft.
Minimum rear yard setback
50 ft.
50 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Accessor y building setbacks
25 ft. from the side or rear lot line
25 ft. from the side or rear lot line
10 ft. from the side or rear lot line
10 ft. from the side of rear lot line
10 ft. from the side of rear lot line
Accessor y building s maximum height
20 ft.
20 ft.
12 ft. for accessor y structur es 20 ft. for garages or carports
12 ft. for accessor y structur es 20 ft. for garages or carports
12 ft. for accessory structures 20 ft. for garages or carports
   (A)   For properties that are not served by sewer, the minimum lot size shall be forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) sq. ft.
   (B)   For lots in the Medium Density Residential "R-2" Zoning District with more than one (1) dwelling unit, an additional two thousand (2,000) sq. ft. shall be added to the minimum lot size requirement for each additional unit.
   (C)   Lots shall conform with the minimum lot width requirement as measured across the front and rear of the required front yard setback, except in the case of lots on a curve or on a cul-de-sac as specified in § 154.164 (F).
   (D)   No new lot shall be created that does not meet the dimensional standards set forth in this section for the applicable zoning district.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)