(a)    Computing Yard Depth and Width. In computing the depth of a rear yard or the width of a side yard where the rear or side yard opens on an alley, one-half (1/2) of the alley width may be included as a portion of the rear or side yard as the case may be.
   (b)    Projections and Fences. The following architectural features may project into required side yards or courts as hereinafter set forth:
      (1)    Into any required front yard or required side yard adjoining a street side lot line.
       (2)    Cornices, canopies, eaves or other architectural features may project a distance not exceeding two (2) feet six (6) inches.
      (3)    Fire escapes may project a distance not exceeding four (4) feet six (6) inches.
      (4)    An uncovered stair and necessary landings may project a distance not to exceed six (6) feet, provided that such stair and landing shall not extend above the entrance floor of the building except for a railing not to exceed three (3) feet in height.
      (5)    Bay windows, balconies and chimneys may project a distance not to exceed three (3) feet, provided that such features do not occupy, in the aggregate, more than one-third (1/3) of the length of the wall on which they are located.
      (6)    Subject to the conditions specified above, the above named features may project into any required side yard adjoining an interior side lot line, a distance not to exceed one-fifth (1/5) of the required least width of such side yard, but not to exceed three (3) feet in any case.
      (7)    Subject to the conditions specified above, the above named features may project into any required rear yards or into any required outer court the same distances they are allowed to project into a front yard.
      (8)    Fences, walls and hedges, not exceeding at any point four (4) feet in height above the elevation of the surface of the ground at such point, may be located in any yard or court.
      (9)    Fences, walls and hedges not exceeding at any point six (6) feet in height above the elevation of the surface of the ground at such point, may be located in any rear yard area or side yard area; provided, that on a reversed corner lot, no such fence, wall or hedge shall be closer to the street side lot line than a distance equal to the least width of the side yard required adjacent to such lot line for a one-story building.
(Ord. 1069-94. Passed 4-28-94.)