Off-Street Parking and Loading; Access Control and Traffic
1187.01    Purpose.
1187.02   Scope.
1187.03   Off-street parking location.
1187.04   Off-street parking facilities size and design.
1187.05   Off-street parking landscaping requirements.
1187.06   Computation of off-street parking requirements.
1187.07   Number of parking spaces required.
1187.08   Off-street loading spaces required generally.
1187.09   Off-street loading space design standards.
1187.10   Utilization of off-street loading spaces.
1187.11   Computation of off-street loading space requirements.
1187.12   Specific off-street loading spaces required.
1187.13   Screening and landscaping of off-street parking and loading areas.
1187.14   Lighting of off-street parking and loading areas.
1187.15   Maintenance of off-street parking and loading areas.
Access defined - see P. & Z. 1115.03(a)(3)
Loading space defined - see P. & Z. 1115.03(a)(199)
Off-street parking space defined - see P. & Z. 1115.03(a)(249)
Public parking space defined - see P. & Z. 1115.03(a)(250)
Off-street parking special exception - see P & Z. 1193.01