A. Membership: There shall be a Board of Zoning Appeals composed of five (5) electors appointed by the Council to serve without compensation for terms of two (2) years. The first appointed elector shall serve: three (3) for two (2) years and two (2) for one (1) year. Thereafter, appointment shall be for two (2) year terms. Council, by a majority vote of four (4) of its members, shall choose a successor to fill any vacancy.
B. Powers and Duties: It shall be the duty of the Board of Zoning Appeals to hear and determine appeals related to exceptions and variations in the application of the provisions of the zoning ordinances and from any other ordinances, regulations, rules, restriction or limitation or orders of any administrative officials or agency where the Board of Zoning Appeals has by ordinance or resolution been granted authority to hear and determine such matter.
(Amended 11-8-1983; 11-06-2018)
A. Membership: The Merit System Commission shall consist of five (5) electors of the City appointed by the Council to serve a term of two (2) years without compensation. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years and until their successors have been appointed and qualified. The members of the Merit System Commission shall avoid all conflicts of interest and specifically no member shall participate or vote on any matter involving a relative of such member.
B. Powers and Duties: The Merit System Commission shall provide by rule for determination of merit and fitness as the basis for appointment and promotion in the service of the City as required by the Constitution of Ohio relative to civil service, and for appeals from the action of the City Manager or other officer in any case of transfer, reduction or removal. The action of the Commission shall be final.
C. Classification of Service: The Merit Service of the City is hereby divided into classified and unclassified service.
D. The Classified Service: The classified service shall include only the following full-time employees:
(1) Members, including officers, of the following departments and divisions:
a) Division of Streets
b) Division of Parks and Buildings Maintenance
c) Department of Public Safety
(2) Specifically excluded from the classified service are the following positions within the above departments and divisions:
a) Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs
b) Directors and Assistant Directors
c) Clerks, Secretaries and Receptionists
d) Unsworn Community Services Officer
e) Superintendents and their Assistants
f) Police Lieutenants appointed after January 1, 2009
E. The Unclassified Service: The unclassified service shall include:
(1) All officers elected by the people.
(2) All part-time and seasonal personnel
(3) All positions not specifically included by this Charter in the classified service.
F. Merit Service for Classified Employees: The general law applying to civil service shall remain in full force and effect and be applied to the merit system referred to herein, unless otherwise provided.
(Amended 11-04-2008; 11-06-2018)
A. Membership: There shall be a Parks and Recreation Board composed of five (5) electors, appointed by the Council in staggered terms, to serve without compensation for terms of two (2) years after the expiration of the current terms of the City Manager appointee and the Mayor appointee.
B. Powers and Duties: The Parks and Recreation Board may recommend a program to the City Manager for the conduct of public parks and recreation facilities and programs.
(Amended 11-04-2003)