§ 152.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Violations of this chapter shall be cited into the Town Court for enforcement purposes.
   (C)   Violation of §§ 152.01 through 152.19 of this code, pursuant to enforcement provisions provided therein, shall be subject to payment of a fine to cover administrative and related costs and shall also be subject to court costs along with a minimum fine of $25 and a maximum fine of up to $2,500 dependent upon the violation, any prior violations and other costs of enforcement administratively based on time and dollars expended by the town.
   (D)   (1)   Violations of §§ 152.30 through 152.50 of this code, pursuant to enforcement provisions provided therein, shall be subject to court costs along with a minimum fine of $25 and a maximum fine up to $2,500, dependent on the type of violation, the number of prior violations, other costs of enforcement administratively based on time and dollars expended by the town.
      (2)   Any person violating any of the provisions of § 152.45 of this code shall become liable to the town by reason of such violation. The liability shall be paid in not more than 15 days following discovery of the violation.
      (3)   The town further adopts the scale for violations and further approves the form of the ticket to be used for citing violators with a recommendation of the proposed minimum and maximum fines to be set by the enforcement authority (town’s Stormwater Department) for violators choosing to pay out of court with the above scale to apply to violations resolved by payment through the “no contest” procedure. It is understood that the administrative costs could increase through a court proceeding where additional evidence is presented to show the administrative cost and other related costs that a violator could be subject to based upon evidence presented in the Town Court proceeding.
      (4)   It is understood that Rule 5 and Rule 6 violations associated with other town ordinances will be used for this same process through the Town Court and ticketing procedure set out by the town’s Stormwater Department.
      (5)   It is further designated that the Stormwater Department shall be the enforcement authority under §§ 152.30 through 152.50 of this code and shall use a ticketing procedure for the citation.
      (6)   The scale for violations is as follows.
Minimum Fine
Maximum Fine
Minimum Fine
Maximum Fine
Animal waste
Construction violation
Dumping into catch basin
Grass clippings
Illicit connection to storm sewer
Industrial violation
Open dumping
Post-construction BMP violation
Stormwater conveyance violation
(Ord. 4, 2012, passed - -; Ord. 2, 2012, passed 2-21-2012)