   (A)   General regulations. No person, firm, or corporation shall cause or create any unreasonable or unnecessarily loud noise or disturbance, injurious to the health, peace, or quiet of the residents and property owners of the township.
   (B)   Specific violation. The following noises and disturbances are hereby declared to be a violation of this subchapter, provided, however, that the specification of the same is not thereby to be construed to exclude other violations of this subchapter not specifically enumerated:
      (1)   The playing of any radio, phonograph, television, or other electronic or mechanical sound-producing device, including any musical instrument in such manner or with such volume as to unreasonably upset or disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of other persons;
      (2)   Yelling, shouting, hooting, or singing on the public streets between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., or at any time or place so as to unreasonably upset or disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of any persons in the vicinity;
      (3)   The emission or creation of any excessive noise which unreasonably interferes with the operation of any school or church;
      (4)   The keeping of any animal, bird, or fowl, which emanates frequent or extended noise which shall unreasonably disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of an person in the vicinity; such as allowing or permitting any dog to bark repeatedly in an area where the barking can be clearly heard from nearby residential property; and
      (5)   The operation of any automobile, motorcycle, or other vehicle so out of repair or so loaded or constructed as to cause loud and unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling, or other unreasonable noise including the noise resulting from exhaust, which is clearly audible from nearby properties and unreasonably disturbing to the quiet, comfort, or repose of other persons. The modification of any noise abatement device on any motor vehicle or engine or failure to maintain same so that the noise emitted by the vehicle or engine is increased above that emitted by the vehicle as originally manufactured shall be in violation of this section.
(Ord. 1988-12, passed 12-19-1988) Penalty, see § 94.99
   This subchapter shall take effect on 1-18-1989, being 30 days after publication.
(Ord. 1988-12, passed 12-19-1988)
   It is hereby determined that there exists on privately-owned parcels of land within Montrose Township accumulations of junk and/or garbage and that the accumulation of junk and/or garbage constitute a hazard to the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Montrose Township for the reasons that they provide a habitat conducive to breeding and nesting of rats, mice, and other vermin and also that they contain objects with sharp edges and other hazards which could injure small children who would be attracted to play thereon without appreciating the danger thereof, and that the regulations contained in this subchapter are the minimum regulations required to eliminate the foregoing undesirable condition and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
(Ord. 1985-3, passed 7-5-1985)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GARBAGE. Any accumulation of trash, refuse, or litter, specifically including, but not limited to, containers once containing edible, drinkable, or usable materials, as well as dead animals (or parts thereof) and discarded edible or drinkable items.
   JUNK. Any unused or unusable building materials, furniture, machinery, appliances, or parts thereof, including inoperable motor vehicles which, because of mechanical condition or missing parts, cannot be driven.
   RUBBISH. Waste paper, tinware or aluminum ware, tin or aluminum cans, tin or aluminum cuttings, boxes, glass, straw, shavings, barrels, lumber, paper cartons, brush, lawn cuttings, and hedge trimmings.
(Ord. 1985-3, passed 7-5-1985)
   (A)   Storing of junk. No owner, occupant, or possessor of land within Montrose Township shall keep or permit to be kept at any time on the parcel any accumulation of junk thereof, unless the same is within a completely enclosed building.
   (B)   Storing of rubbish and garbage. No owner, occupant, or possessor of land in Montrose Township shall keep or permit to be kept at any time on the parcel any rubbish or garbage unless the same is kept within a closely covered can or other metal, plastic, or rubber container designed for same and sufficient to prevent entry by rats, mice, and other vermin.
(Ord. 1985-3, passed 7-5-1985) Penalty, see § 94.99
   This subchapter does not apply to inventory on premises occupied by a merchant licensed under M.C.L.A. § 205.53 and conducting a lawful business or to the property of patrons of a lawful motor vehicle repair facility, furniture or appliance repair facility, or gasoline service station, if left on the premises of either for purposes of service or repair, nor does this subchapter apply to junk yards which can be regulated under Public Act 12 of 1929, being M.C.L.A. §§ 445.451 - 445.453.
(Ord. 1985-3, passed 7-5-1985)