Dogs and Other Domestic Animals
90.001 Definitions
90.002 Enforcement
90.003 Right of entry
90.004 Running at large prohibited
90.005 Wild or vicious animals prohibited
90.006 Animal Control Officer
90.007 Interfering with Animal Control Officer
90.008 Rabies vaccination requirements
90.009 Impoundment of rabies suspects
90.010 Confinement of animals with history of biting
90.011 Abandonment of animals
90.012 Dog license required
90.013 Dog license fee and application
90.014 Unauthorized use of dog license receipts, tags of inoculation certificates
90.015 Limit on number of dogs and cats
90.016 Dog tags
90.017 Impounding dogs
90.018 Impounding stray dogs
90.019 Disposition of certain diseased or dangerous dogs or other animals
90.020 Redemption of dogs and other animals
90.021 Possession of nuisance animals
90.022 Dogs disturbing the peace; enforcement
90.023 Cleaning up litter
90.024 Dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs
90.025 Permits for commercial dog kennels; permits for keeping more than three dogs over the age of six months
Animals; Fowl
90.040 Animals kept within city limits
90.041 Stables
90.042 Animals, fowl within city limits; permits
90.043 Application for permit
90.044 Duration of permit; fee
90.045 Conditions for keeping animals; revocation
90.046 Refusal to grant permit
90.047 Pens; yards
90.048 Animals, fowl at large
90.049 Manure
90.060 Definitions
90.061 Purpose
90.062 Colony location
90.063 Colony density
90.064 Required conditions
90.065 Registration
90.066 Inspections
90.067 Appeal and hearing procedure
90.080 Purpose
90.081 Definitions
90.082 Violations
90.083 Exceptions
90.999 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. The person contracted with by the City Council, designated as such by it, to perform the duties prescribed by this subchapter as an independent contractor.
AT LARGE. When a dog it is off the property of the person owning, harboring, or keeping a dog and it is not under restraint.
CITATION. A notice or complaint issue by the Animal Control Officer to the owner of any animal apprising the owner of one or more violations of this subchapter.
COMMERCIAL KENNEL/BOARDING. A facility or service where dogs, cats and/or other small household pets as permitted by city code are kept or maintained (day or overnight), for the care, training, exercising and/or socializing by a person other than the owner of the animals for a fee. Animal boarding may include incidental grooming, dog walkers or training services. Animal boarding does not including facilities that provide breeding of animal, selling of animals, or facilities whose primary source of revenue is licensed veterinarian services.
DOG KENNEL. Any place, building, tract of land, boat, or vehicle wherein or whereupon dogs are kept, congregated, or confined, the dogs having been obtained from municipalities, dog pounds, dog auction, or by advertising for unwanted dogs, or dogs abandoned or stolen.
OWNER. Any person owning, keeping, harboring, or acting as custodian of a dog or other domesticated animal.
PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation.
PREMISES. Any building, structure, shelter, or land whereon dogs or other animals are kept or confined.
PUBLIC NUISANCE ANIMAL OR ANIMALS. Any animal or animals which:
(1) If dog or dogs is/are repeatedly found at large;
(2) Damages the property of anyone other than its owner;
(3) Is/are vicious animal(s);
(4) Causes fouling of the air by odor;
(5) Causes unsanitary conditions of enclosures or surroundings;
(6) By virtue of number of types of animals maintained are offensive or dangerous to the public health, safety, or welfare;
(7) Excessively makes disturbing noises;
(8) Molests passer(s)by or passing vehicles; or
(9) Attacks other domestic animals.
UNDER RESTRAINT. On the premises of the person harboring or keeping the dog; within a private motor vehicle of a person owning, harboring, or keeping the dog; or controlled by a leash not exceeding six feet in length.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Place for the treatment, hospitalization, surgery, care, and boarding of animals or birds, which place is owned and operated by a licensed veterinarian.
VICIOUS ANIMAL OR ANIMALS. Any animal or animals which constitute a physical threat to human beings or other animals by virtue of one or more attacks of such severity as to cause property damage or physical injury, however slight.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-1) (Ord. 805, passed 8-14-2023)
The Animal Control Officer shall have the right to enter upon any premises at all reasonable times, in accordance with § 10.20, for the purpose of discharging the duties imposed by this subchapter where there is a reasonable belief that a violation of this subchapter has been committed.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-3)
No dog shall be allowed by its owner to run at large, and every owner of a dog shall cause the same to be:
(A) Confined to the owner’s property by training, fencing, or leashing, and females in heat shall be confined in an enclosure and so kept and confined therein during the entire period and until the dogs shall not attract other dogs on account thereof;
(B) While in any public place such as a school, playground, or a park, to be on a leash, chain, or cord of not more than six feet in length and in the custody of a person of sufficient age to adequately control the dog at all times; and
(C) While in all other areas such as on a public street or in an automobile, to be in the custody of a person of sufficient age to adequately control the dog at all times and to have and keep the dog under control.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-5) Penalty, see § 90.999
No person shall keep or allow to be kept any place in the city an animal of a ferocious or vicious character, habit, or disposition, or any animal which is wild by nature.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-6) Penalty, see § 90.999