Every person applying for water or sewer service, every owner of property for which any application is made, every person accepting water or sewer services, and every owner of property where service is accepted subsequent to the passage of this chapter shall be deemed upon making the application or accepting the service to consent to all rules, regulations, and rates as established by this chapter and as may hereafter be set forth and adopted by the City Council by resolution or ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-4)
(A) The City Council may provide a system of water meter reading by any method deemed suitable to the purpose. Water bills shall be payable monthly by the date due specified on the bill. Rates for water used for each month are calculated by using the meter supplying each service.
(B) The city reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer of the water and sanitary sewer system without notice when necessary for repairs, additional connection or reconnection, or for nonpayment of charges of bills, or for disregard of any rules or regulations in connection with the use or operation of the system. Whenever any service has been discontinued for nonpayment of charges or bills or for disregard of any other purpose, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the charges or bills accrued together with interest thereon as allowed by state statutes, or compliance with the rules and regulations previously violated and payment to the city of a restoration fee established in the city’s fee schedule.
(C) All delinquent accounts that are 60 days or more past due shall be submitted to the City Clerk who shall prepare an assessment roll each year providing for assessment of the delinquent amounts against the properties involved. The assessment roll shall be delivered to the City Council for adoption before October 30 of each year. Upon adoption, the Clerk shall certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection along with taxes.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-5) (Ord. 458, passed 10-23-2006; Ord. 689, passed 12-11-2017)
The City Council shall have the authority to prescribe by ordinance the rates to be charged for water and sewer service to the customer from time to time and may prescribe the date of billing, a discount for payment, and/or penalty for failure to pay within the period and such further rules and regulations relative to the use and operation of the system as it may deem necessary from time to time through the fee schedule ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-6) (Ord. 458, passed 10-23-2006)
If a meter fails to register or accurately measure the water, the charge for water consumed shall be paid for at the established rate based upon past average billings as determined by the city. Whenever a consumer believes that a meter is inaccurate the customer can request a new meter be installed. Such request shall be accompanied by a payment equal to the cost of a new meter as listed in the fee schedule ordinance. If any such meter is found to be inaccurate the customer shall be refunded the new meter charge. If the meter shall be found to be accurate in its recordings or calculations the new meter cost shall not be refunded.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-7)
Any owner, occupant, or user of a premises who shall discover a leak in a service line to the premises shall notify the city within 24 hours. Any water wasted due to a failure of a person to comply with this regulation shall be estimated by the city and be charged for against the owner at the premises at the established rate.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-8)
Each new building or part thereof constructed in the city which is required by code to have sewer and water shall have its own individual sewer and water connections to the city mains. Any shared existing services for adjacent units of separate ownership which fail and require replacement or substantial repairs shall at that time be separated. Connections shall be made in accordance with standards and specifications approved by City Council.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-9) (Ord. 139, passed 7-23-1984)
Where a public sanitary sewer is not available under the provisions of § 50.09, the building sewer shall be connected to a private wastewater disposal system complying with city, state, and federal regulations.
(A) All applications for the installation, maintenance, and repair of water meters shall be made to the city.
(B) No other person other than the city or its designee shall maintain or repair any water meter within the city limits. Every water meter connected to the water system shall be sealed by or under the direction of the city, and no other person shall break or remove the seal, provided, however, that a plumber licensed to do business in the state may break the seal to remove the meter for necessary repairs. In all cases where a seal is broken or a meter is removed by a licensed plumber, the plumber shall notify the city of the fact within 24 hours after the seal is broken or the meter is removed. Whenever any seal attached to a water meter by or under the direction of the city is found broken, the broken condition of the seal shall be prima facie evidence that the seal was broken contrary to the terms and provisions in violation of this chapter.
(C) All water meters connected to the water system shall be accessible to the city at any reasonable hour of any business day, and the refusal of admission of any owner or occupant of any premises wherein a water meter is installed after the owner or occupant has been notified that admission is desired for the purpose of inspecting a water meter installed in the premises shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(D) The meters shall be repaired from time to time as is necessary to ensure accurate measuring of the flow of water, except that whenever a meter has been damaged due to negligence on the part of persons other than the employees of the city, the owner, occupant, or user of the premises or other persons desiring the use of the water shall reimburse the city for the expense of repairing any such meter. Upon failure to reimburse the city within a reasonable time and upon demand therefor, the water services and supply to the premises may be shut off or discontinued as determined to be in the best interest of the city.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-10) Penalty, see § 50.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with, alter, bypass, or in any manner whatsoever interfere with the proper use and functioning of water meter within the city.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-11) Penalty, see § 50.99