(A)   General purpose. The residential base zoning districts established in this section are intended to provide a variety of housing options in a comfortable, healthy, safe, and pleasant environment in which to live and recreate at a neighborhood level. More specifically, they are intended to:
      (1)   Promote strong residential neighborhoods with a sense of connection to the community;
      (2)   Foster citizen involvement in the community, interaction between neighbors and neighborhood oriented support systems;
      (3)   Provide a range of housing choices and affordability through varying housing densities, types and designs including accessory dwelling units;
      (4)   Seek quality over quantity in new residential growth;
      (5)   Maintain a connection to the natural environment by incorporation of natural characteristics into the development setting.
   (B)   Standards applicable to all residential base zoning districts.
      (1)   Zero side lot line development. Residential unit lots containing duplexes or townhouses may be subdivided along the common wall in a “zero lot line” arrangement, provided:
         (a)   The combined area of the base lot and individual unit lots contains the required amount of lot area per unit as prescribed elsewhere in this chapter;
         (b)   Unit lots shall meet all required setbacks from the boundaries of the base lot;
         (c)   Any shared wall facing on a zero side lot line is a structural wall capable of providing protection from fire, noise and visual encroachment.
      (2)   Condominiums. Residential lots of non-single-family structures may be divided for the purpose of condominium ownership provided that:
         (a)   The principal structure containing the housing units shall meet the setback distances of the applicable zoning district.
         (b)   Each condominium unit shall have the minimum lot area for the type of housing unit and usable open space as specified in the area and building size regulations of this chapter.
         (c)     Condominiums shall be designed to meet the International Building Code as adopted in the Monticello City Code.
   (C)   Agricultural Open Space District (A-O). The purpose of the "A-O" Agricultural-Open Space District is to provide suitable areas of the city for the retention and utilization of open space and/or agricultural uses, prevent scattered non-farm uses from developing improperly, and to secure economy in government expenditures for public utilities and service.
      (1)   Lot area minimum: two acres.
      (2)   Lot width minimum: 200 feet.
   Typical A-O Lot Configuration
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories/ft.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Roof Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/horizontal run)
Principal Structures
Accessory Structures
[1]: Accessory structures shall not be located beyond the front building line established by the principal structure.
   (D)     Residential Amenities District (R-A). The purpose of the "R-A" Residential Amenities District is to provide move up housing in the form of low density, single-family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related compleme ntary uses in areas of high natural residential amenities including such conditions as woodlands, wetlands, and significant views.
      (1)   Base lot area.
         (a)   Minimum: 14,000 sq. ft.
         (b)   Average: 16,000 sq. ft. (at least 40% of lots created through subdivision shall exceed 15,000 sq. ft. in size).
      (2)   Base lot width.
         (a)   Minimum: 90 ft.
         (b)   Average: 100 ft. (at least 40% of lots created through subdivision shall exceed 100 ft. in width).
   Typical R-A Lot Configuration
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories/f t.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Roof Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/horizon tal run)
Interior Side
Street Side
Single- Family Building
2.5 stories
35 feet
Minimum foundation sizes by home type [3]
finishable [4]
6 in./12 in.
no minimum soffit
[1]:   For interior lots in R-1 and R-A districts, attached accessory uses shall be setback no less than 6 feet from the side yard property line, provided that the sum of both side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
[2]:   The required rear yard shall consist of a space at least 30-feet in depth across the entire width of the lot that is exclusive of wetlands, ponds, or slopes greater than 12%.
[3]:   2,400 square foot gross floor area excluding a basement or cellar for two story homes and a 1,600 square foot foundation for multi-level, rambler and split entry homes.
[4]:   Finishable square footage is exclusive of required attached garage floor area.
[5]:   Roof gables, shed roofs, dormers and porch roofs to allow for a lower pitch to incorporate as an architectural feature, provided no such exempted roof areas shall comprise any more than 20% of the total horizontal roof area of a single-family structure as measured from a bird's-eye plan view.
Accessory Structures and Uses
- An attached garage shall be included with all principal residential structures in the R-A district.
- See § 153.092(B) for all general standards and limitations on accessory structures.
- The minimum floor area for the required attached garage shall be 700 sq. ft.
- No portion of any garage space may be more than five feet closer to the street than the front building line of the principal use (including porch).
- See footnote [1] above as related to setbacks for attached accessory uses on interior lots.
Other Regulations to Consult (not all inclusive)
- § 153.042, Common District Requirements
- § 153.043(B), Standards Applicable to All Residential Base Zoning Districts
- § 153.070, Building Materials
- § 153.067, Off-Street Parking
- § 153.060, Landscaping and Screening Standards
   (E)   Single- Family Residential District (R- 1). The purpose of the "R- 1" Single-Family Residential District is to provide for low density, single-family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses.
      (1)   Base lot area.
         (a)   Minimum: 10,000 sq. ft.
         (b)   Average: 12,000 sq. ft. (at least 40% of lots created through subdivision shall exceed 12,000 sq. ft. in size).
      (2)   Base lot width.
         (a)   Minimum: 70 ft.
         (b)   Average: 80 ft. (at least 40% of lots created through subdivision shall exceed 80 ft. in width).
   Typical R-1 Lot Configuration
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories/ft.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimu m Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Roof Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/horizon tal run)
Interior Side
Street Side
Single- Family Building
10 [1] and [2]
2.5 stories
35 feet
1,050 foundation/
2,000 finishable [4]
5 in./12 in.
no minimum soffit [5]
[1]: For interior lots in R-1 and R-A districts, attached accessory uses shall be setback no less than 6 feet from the side yard property line, provided that the sum of both side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
[2]: Interior side yard setbacks for single-family homes on lots of record with a lot width 66 feet or less in the Original Plat of Monticello and Lower Monticello shall be at least six feet.
[3]: The required rear yard shall consist of a space at least 30-feet in depth across the entire width of the lot that is exclusive of wetlands, ponds, or slopes greater than 12%.
[4]: Finishable square footage is exclusive of required attached garage floor area.
[5]: Roof gables, shed roofs, dormers and porch roofs to allow for a lower pitch to incorporate as an architectural feature, provided no such exempted roof areas shall comprise any more than 20% of the total horizontal roof area of a single-family structure as measured from a bird's-eye plan view.
Accessory Structures and Uses
- An attached garage shall be included with all principal residential structures in the R-1 district.
- See § 153.092(B) for all general standards and limitations on accessory structures.
- The minimum floor area for the required attached garage shall be 550 sq. ft.
- See footnote [1] above as related to setbacks for attached accessory uses on interior lots.
Other Regulations to Consult (not all inclusive)
- § 153.042, Common District Requirements
- § 153.043(B), Standards Applicable to All Residential Base Zoning Districts
- § 153.070, Building Materials
- § 153.067, Off-Street Parking
- § 153.060, Landscaping and Screening Standards
   (F)    Single and Two- Family Residential District (R-2). The purpose of the "R-2" Single and Two-Family Residential District is to provide for low to moderate density one and two unit dwellings and directly related complementary uses.
      (1)   Base density.
Unit Type
Minimum Lot Area/Unit
10,000 sq. ft.
7,000 sq. ft.
7,000 sq. ft.
Multi-family (3-4 units)*
5,500 sq. ft.
*By conditional use permit only. See also multi-family dwelling unit standards.
      (3)   Minimum lot width.
R-2 District
Original Plat
Lot Width
80 ft.
66 ft.
   Typical R-2 Lot Configuration
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories / ft.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Finished Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/ horizontal run)
Interior Side
Street Side
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories / ft.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Finished Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/ horizontal run)
Interior Side
Street Side
Single- Family
10 [1] and [2]
2.5 stories
35 feet
1,050 foundatio n/
1,800 finishable [3]
Minimum finished square footage must be equivalen t to the principal use unit foundatio n size
5 in./12 in.
no minimum soffit [4]
10 [2]
2.5 stories
35 feet
1,050 foundatio n
1,400 finishable
Townhouse Multi- family
2.5 stories
35 feet
[1]: For the Original Plat of Monticello and Lower Monticello, where adjacent structures (excluding accessory buildings within same block) have front yard setbacks different from those required, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the adjacent structures. If there is only one adjacent structure, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the required setback and the setback of the adjacent structure.
[2]: Interior side yard setbacks for single-family homes on lots of record with a lot width 66 feet or less in the Original Plat of Monticello and Lower Monticello shall be at least six feet.
[3]: Finishable and finished square footage is exclusive of required attached garage floor area
[4]: Roof gables, shed roofs, dormers and porch roofs to allow for a lower pitch to incorporate as an architectural feature, provided no such exempted roof areas shall comprise any more than 20% of the total horizontal roof area of a structure as measured from a bird’s eye plan view.
Accessory Structure s and Uses
- An attached garage shall be included with all principal residential structures in the R-1 district.
- See § 153.092(B) for all general standards and limitations on accessory structures.
-The minimum floor area for all required attached garages shall be 450 sq. ft.
- No portion of any attached garage may be more than 10 feet closer to the street that the principal structure.
- Except for single-family buildings, any driveway leading directly to an attached garage may not exceed 18"in width at the front yard property line.
Other Regulations to Consult (not all inclusive)
- § 153.042, Common District Requirements
- § 153.043(B), Standards Applicable to All Residential Base Zoning Districts
- § 153.070, Building Materials
- § 153.067, Off-Street Parking
- § 153.060, Landscaping and Screening Standards
   (G)    Traditional Neighborhood Residential District (T- N). The purpose of the "T-N" Traditional Neighborhood Residential District is to provide for medium density, single-family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: 5,500 sq. ft.
      (2)   Minimum lot width: 55 ft.
      (3)   Minimum lot depth: 100 ft.
   Typical T-N Lot Configuration
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories/f t.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimu m Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/horizon tal run)
Front [1]
Interior Side
Street Side
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories/f t.)
Minimum Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimu m Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/horizon tal run)
Front [1]
Interior Side
Street Side
Single- Family Building
30 [2]
2.5 stories
35 feet
1,050 foundation/
2,000 finishable [2]
5 in./12 in.
no minimum soffit [5]
[1]: The minimum width of the dimension of the principal building living area across the front building line shall be no less than 12 ft., which may include a usable porch of at least 6 ft. in depth. The maximum building line of the attached garage may be no more than 20 ft. across the front building line.
[2]: Finishable square footage is exclusive of required attached accessory space garage floor area.
Accessor y Structure s and Uses
- An attached garage shall be included with all principal residential structures in the T-N district.
- See § 153.092(B) for all general standards and limitations on accessory structures.
- The minimum floor area for the required attached garage shall be 480 sq. ft.
- For front-loaded attached garages, no portion of any garage space may be more than five feet closer to the street than the front building line of the principal use (including porch).
- No private driveway leading to an accessory structure may exceed 24 ft. in width at the front yard property line. Driveways shall be offset and separated to maximize on-street parking capacity.
Other Regulations to Consult (not all inclusive)
- § 153.042, Common District Requirements
- § 153.043(B), Standards Applicable to All Residential Base Zoning Districts
- § 153.070, Building Materials
- § 153.067, Off-Street Parking
- § 153.060, Landscaping and Screening Standards
   (H)   Medium Density Residence District (R-3). The purpose of the “R-3” Medium Density Residential District is to provide for medium density housing in multiple-family structures ranging up to and including 12 units and directly related, complementary uses.
      (1)   Base lot area.
         (a)   Minimum townhouse: 20,000 sq. ft.
         (b)   Minimum multi-family: 30,000 sq. ft.
      (2)   Base lot width. Minimum: 80 ft.
   Typical R-3 Lot Configuration
PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings
R-3 District Townhouse (4-10 units/building)
R-3 District Multi-Family (5-12 units/building)
PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings
R-3 District Townhouse (4-10 units/building)
R-3 District Multi-Family (5-12 units/building)
Base Lot Area (minimum)
20,000 sf.
30,000 sf.
Base Lot Width (minimum)
80 ft.
80 ft.
Gross Density
3-7 du/acre
8-12 du/acre
Max Density w/o PUD
4.0 du/acre
8.5 du/acre
Net lot area per du
4,500 sf/du, maximum
3,500 sf/du, maximum
Front setback
30 feet
40 feet
Corner side setback
25 feet
30 feet
Interior side setback
20 feet
20 feet
Rear setback to building
30 feet
40 feet
Clear open space setback from ROW
25 feet
30 feet
Clear open space setback from Property Line
10 feet
30 feet
Buffer Req. to Single-Family
B buffer
B buffer
Common open space per du
500 sf/du
16 ACI/acre +2 shrubs per 10 feet bldg. perimeter
16 ACI/acre +2 shrubs per 10 feet bldg. perimeter
Parking requirements
1.2 spaces/bedroom, with 1 space/bedroom enclosed
1.2 spaces/bedroom, with 1 space/bedroom enclosed
20% street min frontage covered with enhanced materials
20% street min frontage covered with enhanced materials
5:12 pitch or roofline or building line articulation, including flat and/or varied rooflines, parapets, canopies or other similar features which increase architectural interest and variability.
5:12 pitch or roofline or building line articulation, including flat and/or varied rooflines, parapets, canopies or other similar features which increase architectural interest and variability.
Unit square feet
1,000 sf. finished floor area per unit, minimum
Average 1,000 sf. finished floor area per unit, minimum
Enclosed, may be detached
PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings
R-3 District Townhouse (4-10 units/building)
R-3 District Multi-Family (5 -12 units/building)
PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings
R-3 District Townhouse (4-10 units/building)
R-3 District Multi-Family (5 -12 units/building)
Garage Setback
30 feet from ROW (35 feet from curb of private street)
May not access street directly – must be served by interior driveway
Garage Doors
Maximum 16 feet width facing street. No smooth panel doors.
No smooth panel doors – detached buildings must match principal building materials and include architectural fenestration on sides facing residentially zoned property or public right- of-way
Special landscape features including water features, recreational structures, patios, etc.
Increased landscape quantities and/or Sizes beyond code minimums; Special landscape features including water features, recreational structures, patios, etc.
Open Space
Increased open space areas per unit beyond code minimums of 10% or more
All required garage parking attached to principal building
Building Materials
Increased use of stone, brick beyond front, or on other exterior walls
Increased use of stone, brick beyond front, or on other exterior walls
Extensive use of ornamental features, building and/or roofline articulation, fenestration and building wall undulation atypical of other buildings in similar zoning districts
Extensive use of ornamental features, building and/or roofline articulation, fenestration and building wall undulation atypical of other buildings in similar zoning districts
Site Work
Use of decorative paving materials in parking, sidewalks, etc.; Extensive use of ornamental site lighting or similar features.
Use of decorative paving materials in parking, sidewalks, etc.;
Extensive use of ornamental site lighting or similar features.
Housing for Seniors restricted to 55 years of age or more
Accommodations to design and density through PUD process only
Accommodations to design and density through PUD process only
   (I)     Medium-High Density Residence District (R-4). The purpose of the “R-4”, Medium- High Density Residential District is to provide for medium to high density housing in multiple- family structures of 13 or more units per building, and at densities of between ten and 25 units per acre. The district is intended to establish higher density residential opportunities in areas appropriate for such housing, to be determined by the city on a case by case basis. This district is intended to provide exclusively multiple-family housing as defined in this chapter, as opposed to lower density housing types such as townhouses, two-family homes, or single family homes. The City of Monticello shall zone land to the R-4 District only when, in its sole discretion, all aspects of the property support the potential uses of the R-4 District, including location, private and public services, and compatibility with existing and future land uses in the area. In making a determination as to the suitability of a site for R-4 rezoning, the city will prioritize the following site and area factors:
      (1)   Replacement land uses. R-4 zoning fits the following zoning categories and circumstances:
         (a)   Land already zoned for R-3 Medium Density Residential District.
         (b)   Land currently zoned for commercial uses, but which would not be considered "prime" commercial and critical to "Successful Commercial Centers and Corridors" consistent with the City's 2040 Vision + Plan.
      (2)   Proximity to other residential neighborhoods.
         (a)   R-4 zoning may be allowed in proximity to other medium to high density residential areas, however the nature and concentration of existing multi-family structures shall be carefully considered to avoid an over concentration of these uses.
         (b)   R-4 zoning may be allowed in proximity to lower residential uses, if it is determined that the high density site can address the site and area factors provided here.
      (3)   Architectural compatibility and building massing.
         (a)   In the vicinity of lower density residential areas, R-4 District buildings need to be lower profile with regards to size and mass, or need to be screened or buffered by distance and natural features.
      (4)   Requirement for adequate public facilities. High density residential development shall be located to provide for the following essential services and amenities:
         (a)   Access to public parks, pathways, and open space, without overburdening them. R-4 development may be required to provide additional facilities to meet the city's open space planning policies.
         (b)   Connection to public utilities.
         (c)   Access to major streets, or at the very minimum, avoidance of traffic generation that would utilize local streets in lower density residential areas.
         (d)   Proximity to commercial and/or medical services.
      (5)   Minimum and maximum density: ten units minimum – 25 dwelling units maximum per acre.
PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings
R-4 District Multi-Family (13+ units/building)
Base Lot Area
30,000 sf.
Gross Density
10-25 du/acre
Max Density w/o PUD
Net lot area per du
Max 1,750 sf/du
Front setback
100 feet
Corner side setback
40 feet
Interior side setback
30 feet
Rear setback to building
40 feet
Clear open space setback from ROW
60 feet
Clear open space setback from Property Line
40 feet - no more than 50% of any yard facing a street covered with parking/drive aisles
Buffer Req. to Single-family
C buffer
Common open space per du
500 sf/du
2 ACI/ 2,500 sf. open space + 4 shrubs /10 feet bldg. perimeter
Parking requirements
1.2 spaces/bedroom, with max 1.1 space/du uncovered
20% street min frontage covered with enhanced materials, horizontal siding of steel or cement-board only (no vinyl or aluminum)
5:12 pitch, plus roof ridge line articulation of 3 feet min. or roofline or building line articulation, including flat and/or varied rooflines, parapets, canopies or other similar features which increase architectural interest and variability.
Unit square feet
800 sf. minimum finished floor area per unit average, with no more than 10% of the units as studio units
Attached or Underground Detached accessory garages allowed only after base requirements are met; requires authorization through Conditional Use Permit
Garage Setback
May not access street directly – must be served by interior driveway
Garage Doors
Must include glass and decorative panels if visible from public street or adjoining residentially zoned property
Increased landscape quantities and/or sizes beyond code minimums; Special landscape features including water features, recreational structures, patios, etc
Open Space
Increased open space areas per unit beyond code minimums of 10% or more
All required garage parking underground
Building Materials
Increased use of stone, brick beyond front, or on other exterior walls
Extensive use of ornamental features, building and/or roofline articulation, fenestration and building wall undulation atypical of other buildings in similar zoning districts
Site Work
Use of decorative paving materials in parking, sidewalks, etc.;
Extensive use of ornamental site lighting or similar features.
Housing for Seniors restricted to 55 years of age or more
Accommodations to design and density through PUD process only
   (J)   Mobile and Manufactured Home Park District (M- H). The purpose of the “M-H” manufactured home park district is to provide for manufactured home users and directly related uses.
      (1)     Base density: 4,000 sq ft per unit (10.9 units per gross acre).
      (2)    Base lot area. Minimum: 5 acres.
      (3)    Base lot width. Minimum: 200 ft.
   Typical M-H Lot Configuration
Required Yards (in feet)
Max Height (stories/
(sq. ft.)
Minimum Building Width (ft.)
Minimum Roof Pitch & Soffit (vertical rise/horizon tal run)
Manufactured Home Building
See § 153.091(C)(4) for all regulations governing manufactured home parks
Detached Accessory Structures
(Ord. 799, passed 2-27-2023; Ord. 806, passed 8-14-2023)