(A)   Purpose. The regulation of off-street parking spaces in these zoning regulations is to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public right-of-way and to promote the safety and general welfare of the public by establishing minimum requirements for off-street parking of motor vehicles in accordance with the utilization of various parcels of land or structures.
   (B)   Application of off-street parking regulation. The regulations and requirements set forth herein shall apply to all off-street parking facilities in all of the zoning districts of the city.
   (C)   Change in use or occupancy.
      (1)   Change in use or occupancy of land.
         (a)   Any change of use or occupancy of land already dedicated to a parking area, parking spaces, or loading spaces shall not be made, nor shall any sale of land, division, or subdivision of land be made which reduces area necessary for parking, parking stalls, or parking requirements below the minimum prescribed by these zoning regulations.
         (b)   Off-street parking spaces and loading spaces or lot area existing upon the effective date of this chapter as denoted in § 153.004 shall not be reduced in number or size unless said number of size exceeds the requirements set forth herein for a similar new use.
      (2)   Change in use or occupancy of a building. Any change of use of occupancy of any building or buildings, including additions thereto, requiring more parking area shall not be permitted until there is furnished such additional parking spaces as required by these zoning regulations.
      (3)   Site plan drawing necessary. In all zoning districts, all applications for a building permit or prior to a change in use for an existing building or as required for a certificate of occupancy in all zoning districts shall be accompanied by a site plan drawn to scale and dimensioned indicating the location of off-street parking and loading spaces in compliance with the requirements set forth in § 153.067.
   (D)   Prohibited uses related to off-street parking.
      (1)   Required accessory off-street parking spaces in any district shall not be utilized for open storage, sale, or rental of goods; or storage of inoperable vehicles and/or storage of snow.
      (2)    For single-family and two-family dwellings, off-street parking of passenger, small construction, emergency or any other commercial vehicles in the rear yard is prohibited as illustrated in Figure 4-11 and in Table 4-9.
      (3)   Except for temporary uses as permitted by § 153.093 and trailers parking in a designated loading area, no vehicle may be parked and used for storage of items in any district.
   (E)   Standards applicable to all uses.
      (1)   Location of required parking.
         (a)   Required accessory off-street parking shall be on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served except under the provisions of § 153.067(G)(3), subject to the public improvement project exception as regulated by § 153.106(D)(1).
         (b)   Except for single, two-family, townhouse dwellings and parcels in the CCD, head-in parking directly off of and adjacent to a public street with each stall having its own direct access to the public street shall be prohibited.
         (c)   Except in the case of single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley.
         (d)   Except in the case of single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings and parcels in the CCD, parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited.
         (e)   All accessory off-street parking facilities required by this chapter shall be located and restricted as follows:
            1.   For single-family and two-family dwellings, the part of a paved driveway within boulevard portion of the street right-of-way shall only be used for parking in a manner that does not block any public sidewalk or pathway.
            2.   In the case of single-family dwellings, parking shall be prohibited in any portion of the rear yard. In the case where the only attached or detached garage on a property is located in the rear yard, parking may be allowed in designated driveways leading directly into a garage, or on one open surfaced space located on the side of a driveway away from the principal use as shown in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. Said extra space shall be surfaced as required by Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11.
            3.   In the case of single-family dwellings, parking in the side yard shall be allowed on a surfaced space as shown in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11.
         (f)   All parking must occur on a paved surface except as may be permitted by this chapter.
      (2)   Vehicular use area design.
         (a)   Curb cuts and access.
            1.   Each property shall be allowed one curb cut access per 125 feet of street frontage. All property shall be entitled to at least one curb cut.
            2.   The maximum driveway width at the property line shall not exceed 30 feet and shall taper to a width not to exceed 28 feet at the public street.
            3.   Within all districts, a five foot radius curb may be constructed at the public street in addition to the maximum driveway width allowed.
            4.   Driveway access curb openings on a public street except for single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings shall not be located less than 40 feet from one another.
            5.   No curb cut access shall be located less than 40 feet from the intersection of two or more street rights-of-way. This distance shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines.
            6.   All driveway access openings shall require a culvert unless the lot is served by storm sewer or is determined unnecessary by the Community Development Department. Size of culvert shall be determined by the Community Development Department but shall be a minimum of 15 inches in diameter.
            7.   Except for single, two-family, and townhouse residential development (and as otherwise noted in this chapter), all open vehicular use areas shall have a perimeter concrete curb barrier around the entire parking lot, said curb barrier shall not be closer than six feet to any lot line as measured from the lot line to the face of the curb.
         (b)   Stall, aisle, and driveway design.
            1.   Each parking space shall be not less than nine feet wide and 20 feet in length exclusive of access aisles, and each space shall be served adequately by access aisles. EXCEPTION: Where desired, up to 25% of the parking spaces may be not less than seven and one-half feet in width and not less than 16 feet in length when served adequately by access aisles to accommodate compact car parking and should be marked as such.
            2.   Except in the case of single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking areas and their aisles shall be developed in compliance with the following standards:
Wall to Minimum
Wall to Interlock Minimum
Interlock to Interlock Minimum
Parallel Parking: 22 feet in length
         (c)   Surfacing.
            1.   Except in the case of single-family and two-family dwellings, driveways and stalls shall be surfaced with six inch class five base and two inch bituminous topping or concrete equivalent. Drainage plans shall be reviewed and subject to approval by the Community Development Department. The Community Development Department staff may waive this requirement if it is determined that the drainage plans do not merit further study. Community Development Department determination in this regard shall be based on the size of parking surface area, simplicity of design plan, and proximity/accessibility to existing storm sewer facilities.
            2.   The grade elevation of any parking area shall not exceed 5%.
         (d)   Striping. Except for single, two-family, and townhouses, all parking stalls shall be marked with white painted lines not less than four inches wide.
         (e)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property, abutting residential uses, and public rights-of-way and be in compliance with § 153.063.
         (f)   Landscaping and screening. All open, non-residential, off-street parking areas of five or more spaces shall be screened and landscaped from abutting or surrounding residential districts in compliance with § 153.060(F).
            1.   Interior vehicular use area landscaping – see § 153.060(F)(2).
            2.   Perimeter vehicular use area landscaping – see § 153.060(F)(3).
            3.   Perimeter buffers – see § 153.060(G).
         (g)   Signs. No sign shall be so located as to restrict the sight lines and orderly operation and traffic movement within any parking lot.
      (3)   Parking within a structure. The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or one structure attached thereto; however, unless provisions are made, no building permit shall be issued to convert said parking structure into a dwelling unit or living area or other activity until other adequate provisions are made to comply with the required off-street parking provisions of this chapter.
      (4)   Vehicular use area stall calculation requirements.
         (a)   General provisions.
            1.   The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shown in Table 4-7 shall be provided and maintained by ownership, easement, and/or lease for and during the life of the respective uses hereinafter set forth.
            2.   When determining the number of off-street parking spaces results in a fraction, each fraction of one-half or more shall constitute another space.
            3.   In stadiums, sports arenas, churches, and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, or other similar seating facilities, each 22 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements.
            4.   Should a structure contain two or more types of use, each shall be calculated separately for determining the total off-street parking spaces required.
         (b)   Floor area.
            1.   The term "floor area" for the purpose of calculating the number of off-street parking spaces required shall be determined on the basis of the interior floor area dimensions of the buildings, structure, or use times the number of floors.
            2.   Whenever practical, final parking calculations shall be based on an actual building floor plan.
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Residential Uses
Detached Dwelling
2.0 spaces for each dwelling unit
2.0 spaces for each dwelling unit
2.5 spaces for each dwelling unit, of which two must be enclosed, plus one guest parking space for every four units
   In general
1.2 spaces for each bedroom, of which one must be enclosed, plus one guest parking space for every four units
   Senior housing - independent living
0.67 spaces per dwelling unit, plus one guest parking space for every six units
   Senior housing - assisted living
4.0 spaces plus 0.67 spaces per dwelling unit, plus one guest parking space for every six units
Group Residential Facility, Single-family
2.0 spaces for each three persons for whom sleeping accommodations are provided
Group Residential Facility, Multi-Family
2.0 spaces for each three persons for whom sleeping accommodations are provided
Manufactured Home
2.0 spaces per manufactured home
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Civic and Institutional Uses
Active Park Facilities (public or private)
5.0 spaces for each acre of park over one acre; two spaces per acre for playgrounds; and ten spaces for each acre of play field
- When a public recreation site has more than one use designation, the areas must be divided for determining the required parking
Assisted Living Facilities
4.0 spaces plus .67 spaces per dwelling unit, plus one guest parking space for every six units
Baseball Fields, Stadium
1.0 space for each eight seats of design capacity
See Parking Schedule #2 [§ 153.067(H)(3)]
Clinics/Medical Services
4.0 spaces for each 1,000 square feet
2.0 spaces per each bed
Nursing/Convalescent Home
4.0 spaces plus one for each three beds for which accommodations are offered
Passenger Terminal
8.0 spaces plus one additional space for each 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet
Passive Parks and Open Space
See Parking Schedule #2 [§ 153.067(H)(3)]
Public Buildings or Uses
10.0 spaces plus one for each 150 square feet in excess of 2,000 square feet of floor area in the principal structure
Schools, Kindergarten through Junior High
1.0 space for each classroom plus one additional space for each 50 student capacity
Schools, High School & post-secondary
1.0 space for each seven students based on design capacity plus one for each three classrooms
Place of Public Assembly
1.0 space for each four seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall
- Facilities as may be provided in conjunction with places of public assembly shall be subject to additional requirements which are imposed by this chapter
Utilities (major)
See Parking Schedule #2 [§ 153.067(H)(3)]
Commercial Uses
Adult Uses
1.0 space for each 100 square feet of floor space
Auction House
1.0 space for each 40 square feet of floor space.
- Outside sales area shall be added to the floor space of the principal building when determining square footage of floor space
Auto Repair – Minor
8.0 spaces plus one additional space for each 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Commercial Uses
Automotive Wash Facilities
10.0 spaces or one space for each employee on the maximum shift, whichever is greater
- For self service facilities, there shall be a minimum of two spaces
- If the wash facility is integrated into an approved vehicle fuel sales business, the wash facility shall require no additional parking
Bed & Breakfasts
1.0 space for each rental unit in addition to required residential off-street parking
Business Support Services
1.0 space for each 200 square feet of floor space
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
Communications/Broadcast ing
1.0 space for each 400 square feet of floor space.
Convenience Stores
1.0 space for each 200 square feet of floor space
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
Country Club
4.0 spaces per golf hole plus spaces provided for accessory uses in accordance with this chapter
Day Care Centers
1.0 space for each employee plus one space per five children
Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial
   Bowling Alley
5.0 spaces for each alley plus additional spaces as may be required herein for related uses associated with the principal structure
1.0 space for each four seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall; facilities as may be provided in conjunction with such buildings or uses shall be subject to additional requirements imposed by this chapter
- If the theater is located in the original plat of Monticello, the required spaces shall be reduced to 1.0 space per five seats
Other Uses
See Parking Schedule #2 [§ 153.067(H)(3)]
Offices, Professional and Commercial
1.0 space for each 350 feet of floor space
Entertainment/Recreation, Outdoor Commercial
10.0 spaces plus one for each 100 square feet of floor area inside an associated structure
Event Center
1.0 space for each two and one-half guests, measured by building capacity based on building code limits of all areas for the event, and one parking space for each 200 square feet for areas devoted to food preparation, event staging, and other support activities.
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Commercial Uses (Cont'd)
Financial Institution
1.0 space for each 400 square feet of floor space.
Funeral Homes
20.0 spaces for each chapel or parlor, plus one space for each funeral vehicle maintained on the premises
- Aisle spaces shall also be provided off the street for making up a funeral procession
Hotels or Motels
1.0 space for each rental unit plus one space for each ten units and one space for each employee on the maximum shift
Kennels (commercial)
1.0 space for each 400 square feet of floor space.
Landscaping /Nursery Business
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Personal Services
1.0 space for each 250 square feet of floor space
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
Recreational Vehicle Camp Site
1.0 space per each recreational vehicle plus one guest space per ten recreational vehicles
Repair Establishment
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
   Sit down/dining area
1.0 space for each 40 square feet of gross floor area of dining and bar area
   Pick-up or Counter Area
1.0 space for each 15 square feet of gross floor area but not less than 15 spaces
   Kitchen Area
1.0 space for each 80 square feet of kitchen area
Retail Commercial Uses
   Grocery Uses
1.0 spaces for each 200 square feet
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
   General Retail
1.0 space for each 200 square feet
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
- Home improvement retail uses shall require 1.0 space for each 225 square feet
   Convenience Retail
1.0 space for each 250 square feet
Specialty Eating Establishments
1.0 space for each 200 square feet
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
Vehicle Fuel Sales
4.0 spaces plus two spaces for each service stall (not pump)
- Those facilities designed for sale of other items than strictly automotive products, parts, or service shall be required to provide additional parking in compliance with other applicable sections of this chapter
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Use Type
Minimum # of Spaces & Additional Requirements
Commercial Uses (Cont'd)
Vehicle Sales and Rental
8.0 spaces plus one additional space for each 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet
Veterinary Facilities
1.0 space for each 250 square feet
Wholesale Sales
1.0 space for each 200 square feet
- If in the CCD district, one space per 350 square feet of floor space
Industrial Uses
Auto Repair – Major
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Extraction of Materials
See Parking Schedule #2 [§ 153.067(H)(3)]
General Warehousing
8.0 spaces plus one space for each two employees on the maximum shift or, at a minimum, at least eight spaces plus one space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area
Truck or Freight Terminal
8.0 spaces plus one space for each two employees on the maximum shift or, at a minimum, at least eight spaces plus one space for each 500 square feet of floor area
Waste Disposal & Incineration
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Wrecker and Towing Services
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Heavy Manufacturing
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Industrial Services
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Light Manufacturing
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Machinery/Truck Repair and Sales
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Recycling and Salvage Center
See Parking Schedule #1 [§ 153.067(H)(2)]
Self-Storage Facilities
1.0 space per 100 lockers/units on the inside of the fenced area and at least five spaces outside the fenced area
- If a caretaker's quarters is provided on-site, at least one covered parking space for exclusive use by the caretaker shall be provided
            3.   Unusable space (e.g. entries, halls, service areas, bathrooms, etc) within uses may be excluded from floor area calculations when applicable.
            4.    Required parking spaces may be reduced through alternative development types (e.g. Planned Unit Development, etc) as permitted in this chapter.
         (c)   CCD district exceptions. Property owners in the CCD District shall comply with the parking supply requirements as listed in Table 4-7 of this chapter. However, property owners may be granted flexibility from a portion of their required parking supply under the following conditions:
            1.   Where the city finds that there will be adequate opportunity to provide public parking in the vicinity of the subject property, and at the city’s option, the owner shall pay into a “CCD” parking fund an amount as established by City Council Resolution. Said fund shall be used for the acquisition, construction, and/or maintenance of publicly-owned parking in the “CCD” district.
            2.   The city may, in addition to, or as an alternative to, the option listed in § 153.067(E)(4)(c)1. above, and at the discretion of the city, offer the property owner the opportunity to choose to supply parking at a rate which is 60% of the requirement listed in § 153.067 provided that the owner grants an easement to the public for automobile parking use over the subject area. The owner shall retain responsibility for maintenance of said parking area.
            3.   Location: Parking shall not be located on a parcel between the front building line of the principal building and the public street, except where expressly provided for by the City Council after recommendation from the Planning Commission.
         (d)   Parking Stall Requirement: Schedule #1. Uses subject to Off-Street Parking Schedule #1 must provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces indicated in Table 4-8, Off-Street Parking Schedule #1.
Number of Spaces Required
Number of Spaces Required
Office or administrative area
1.0 space per 300 square feet
Indoor sales area
1.0 space per 200 square feet
Outdoor sales, display, or storage area (3,000 sq. ft. or less)
1.0 space per 750 square feet
Outdoor sales, display, or storage area (over 3,000 sq. ft.)
1.0 space per 1,000 square feet
Indoor Storage/Warehousing/Vehicle Repair/Manufacturing Area
Less than or equal to 3,000 sq. ft.
1.0 space per 200 square feet
3,000 to 5,000 sq. ft.
1.0 space per 500 square feet
5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft.
1.0 space per 750 square feet
Greater than 10,000 sq. ft.
1.0 space per 1,250 square feet
         (e)   Parking Stall Requirement: Schedule #2. Uses subject to Off-Street Parking Schedule #2 have widely varying parking demand characteristics, making it very difficult to specify a single appropriate off-street parking standard. Upon receiving a development application for a use subject to Schedule #2 standards, the Community Development Department is authorized to apply the off-street parking and loading standard specified for the listed use that is deemed most similar to the proposed use or establish minimum off-street parking requirements on the basis of a parking study prepared by the applicant. The study must include estimates of parking demand based on recommendations of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) or other acceptable estimates as approved by the Community Development Department, and should include other reliable data collected from uses or combinations of uses that are the same as or comparable with the proposed use. Comparability will be determined by density, scale, bulk, area, type of activity, and location. The study must document the source of data used to develop the recommendations.
      (5)   Vehicular use area design conditional use permit. Stall aisle and driveway design requirements outlined in § 153.067 may be lessened subject to the following conditions:
         (a)    Any reduction in requirements as provided in this section requires completion of the conditional use permit process outlined in § 153.028(D).
         (b)    Where a proposed use clearly demonstrates affirmative design efforts toward the preservation and enhancement of desirable natural site characteristics, ordinance-required paved parking spaces may be reduced and installation deferred until such time as the need for the full complement of parking. The need shall be determined in conformance with a "proof of parking" plan so approved through a conditional use permit.
         (c)   The applicant must show, and the Planning Commission must find, that there are existing nonconformities of the property or specific circumstances related to site conditions which justify a deferral to the paving, landscaping, or curbing requirements.
         (d)   A deferral shall be considered by the city as a part of an application which includes full site plans, drawn to scale, of both the immediate paving, landscaping and curbing improvements and the ultimate paving, landscaping, and curbing improvements.
         (e)   In all districts other than the A-O District, this deferral shall apply only to the required paving, curbing and landscaping which is applicable to the existing portion of the use and building. Paving, curbing and landscaping attributable to any expansion shall be installed at the time of the expansion.
      (6)   Maintenance. It shall be the joint and several responsibility of the lessee and owner of the principal use, uses, or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways striping, landscaping, and required fences.
   (F)   Standards applicable to residential uses.
      (1)   Location of required parking in residential areas.
         (a)    For single-family and two-family dwellings, off-street parking on a paved driveway within 15 feet of any street surface shall be allowed as long as it does not block any public sidewalk or pathway. For single-family and two-family dwellings, parking shall be located as found in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. Parking on any side of any detached accessory structure shall be prohibited except in such case that the detached accessory structure is the only garage for the property.
         (b)   In the case of townhouse dwellings, parking shall be prohibited in any portion of the front yard except designated driveways leading directly into a garage or one open paved space located on the side of a driveway away from the principal use. Said extra space shall be surfaced with concrete or bituminous material.  
         (c)   Parking and/or storage of passenger vehicles, recreational vehicles and equipment, emergency vehicles, and small commercial vehicles shall conform to the requirements of Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. For the purposes of Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11, emergency vehicles shall be treated as “small commercial vehicles”, but without limitations as to size.
         (d)   Under no circumstances shall large commercial vehicles be parked or stored in residential zoning districts, or on property that is used for residential purposes.
Passenger Vehicles [1]
Recreational Vehicles [1]
Emergency Vehicles [1]
Small Construction Vehicles [1]
Other Notes
Passenger Vehicles [1]
Recreational Vehicles [1]
Emergency Vehicles [1]
Small Construction Vehicles [1]
Other Notes
Driveway leading directly into a garage within the front yard of a lot
Any number
One such vehicle
One such vehicle
Any number
Parking space adjacent to the driveway within the front yard of a lot
One passenger or small commerci al vehicle (paved)
One such vehicle, if it is the only such vehicle within the front yard (surfaced)
One such vehicle (paved)
One passenger or small commercial vehicle (paved)
Other portions of the front yard
Side yard, adjacent to garage side of structure
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (surfaced)
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (unsurfaced)
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building
Must maintain minimum 3 foot setback to side lot line in all cases
Side yard more than 15 feet from garage
Side yard on opposite side of house from garage
Side yard on corner lot facing a public street
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (surfaced)
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building. (unsurfaced)
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (surfaced)
Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (surfaced)
Must maintain minimum 6 foot setback to side lot line in all cases.
Rear yard
Yes (unsurfaced)
No current limit to number of such vehicles – must maintain a 3 foot setback to lot line
[1] See § 153.012 for definition.
      (2)    Vehicular use area design in residential areas.
         (a)    Curb cuts and access.
            1.    Single- family uses shall be limited to one curb cut access per property.
            2.    Curb cut access shall be at a minimum three feet from the side yard property line in residential districts.
            3.   For single and two-family uses, a driveway or other impervious surface leading to a detached accessory structure in the rear yard shall require authorization through conditional use permit, unless such driveway serves a structure in the rear yard that is the only garage for the residential use.
         (b)   Surfacing. Paving and surfacing requirements for parking and storage of passenger vehicles, emergency vehicles, recreational vehicles, and small commercial vehicles for single and two-family dwellings shall be as found in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11.
         (c)   Residential district garage requirements. In all residential zoning districts, all detached single-family homes, two-family and duplex units shall include development of an attached or detached garage. The minimum size requirement for the garage floor shall be 450 sq. ft. with a maximum door height of nine ft. and minimum garage door opening of 16 ft. with the following exceptions and/or deviations by district:
            1.   R-1 District. An attached garage of at least 550 square feet shall be constructed as part of any single-family home.
            2.   R-A District.
               a.   An attached garage of at least 700 square feet shall be constructed as part of any single-family home.
               b.   Garage frontage: From side building line to side building line of any single-family structure, no more than 40% of such building width shall consist of garage doors that face the street. Side or rear loaded garages are not subject to this regulation. An exception shall be made for garage doors that face the street, but are set back at least ten feet in back of the front building line of the principal use.
               c.   No portion of any garage space may be more than five feet closer to the street than the front building line of the principal single-family use.
            3.   R-2 District. An attached garage of at least 450 square feet shall be constructed as part of any single-family home.
            4.   T-N District.
               a.   A garage of at least 480 square feet, attached or detached, shall be constructed as a part of any single-family home.
               b.   Garage frontage: From side building line to side building line of any single-family structure, no more than 50% of such building width shall consist of garage doors that face the street. Side or rear loaded garages, or detached garages in the rear yard, are not subject to this regulation. An exception shall be made for garage doors that face the street, but are set back at least ten feet in back of the front building line of the principal use.
               c.   No portion of any garage space may be more than five feet closer to the street than the front building line of the principal single-family use.
   (G)   Standards applicable to commercial, industrial and civic/institutional uses.
      (1)   Location of required parking for commercial, industrial and civic/institutional uses.
         (a)   In business, industrial and institutional areas, no parking area may be located upon a public drainage and/or utility easement adjoining a public street without an encroachment agreement approved by the Community Development Department.
         (b)   In the B-1 district, off-street parking shall not include semi-trailer trucks.
      (2)   Vehicular use area design applicable to commercial, industrial & civic/institutional uses.
         (a)   Access and curbing.
            1.   Curb cut access in industrial and commercial zoning districts may exceed 24 feet with the approval of the Community Development Department. Denial by the Community Development Department of curb cut access in excess of 24 feet may be appealed following the procedures outlined in § 153.028(H).
            2.   Curb cut access shall not be closer than six feet to any lot line as measured from the lot line to the face of the curb. An exception to the setback requirement shall be granted in business districts where adjoining business provide for private cross access between parking lots.
            3.   All off-street parking areas and driveways shall have a six-inch non-surmountable continuous concrete curb around the perimeter of the parking area and driveways. The Community Development Department may approve bituminous curbing as a temporary measure under the following conditions:
               a.   If the area is shown by adequate site plans and reasonable growth to be subject to a future expansion of the driveway and/or parking area.
               b.   The area is shown by adequate site plans to be able to control site traffic and circulation as recommended by the Community Development Department. The Community Development Department may approve movable curb stops as a temporary traffic control measure.
               c.   The area is shown by adequate drainage plans to be able to control drainage as recommended by the Community Development Department. The Community Development Department may approve bituminous curbing as a temporary drainage control measure.
         (b)   Parking setbacks for the CCD District.
            1.   From public street right-of-way: Six feet.
            2.   From private property: Six feet, except that parking lots may provide shared access driveways or spaces between adjoining private parking lots. In the CCD, such shared access driveways or spaces shall be permitted, exempt from the requirement for a conditional use permit applicable in other zoning districts.
         (c)   Perimeter vehicular use buffer.
            1.     Open, non-residential off-street parking areas shall be designed to screen headlights from abutting residential districts through the use of a half-berm design. Said design shall be required in all instances where headlights are directed at surrounding or abutting residential properties. A half-berm is required in addition to any buffer yard landscaping requirements with a design - as illustrated in Figure 4-12.
            2.   In the event that drainage or other conditions do not permit a berm of this size and for parcels in the CCD district which abut residentially zoned property, a solid, maintenance free fence may be permitted for all or a portion of the retaining wall to the extent necessary to permit property drainage. Examples may include a two-foot retaining wall and berm, with a four foot tall fence section. This alternative may be allowed by conditional use permit. Any fence proposed in lieu of the required design must be 100% opaque and in character with the surrounding area.
      (3)   Joint facilities for commercial, industrial & civic/institutional uses. A conditional use permit for one or more businesses to provide the required off-street parking facilities by joint use of one or more sites where the total number of spaces provided are less than the sum of the total required for each business should they provide them separately. When considering a request for such a permit, the Planning Commission shall not recommend that such permit be granted nor the Council approve such a permit except when the following conditions are found to exist:
         (a)   Up to 50% of the parking facilities required for a theatre, bowling alley, dance hall, bar, or restaurant may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by types of uses specified as a primarily daytime use in division (d) below.
         (b)   Up to 50% of the off-street parking facilities required for any use specified under division (d) below as primary daytime uses may be supplied by the parking facilities provided by the following nighttime or Sunday uses: Auditoriums incidental to a public or parochial school, churches, bowling alleys, dance halls, theatres, bars, or restaurants.
         (c)   Up to 80% of the parking facilities required by § 153.067 for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided by uses specified under division (d) below as primarily daytime uses.
         (d)   For the purpose of this section, the following uses are considered as primarily daytime uses: Banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service shops, household equipment or furniture shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops, manufacturing, wholesale, and similar uses.
         (e)   Conditions required for joint use:
            1.   The building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facilities provided by another building or use shall be located within 300 feet of such parking facilities with the following exception: For theatres located in the Original Plat of Monticello, theatre parking provided by another use shall be located within 500 feet of said theatre.
            2.   The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two buildings or uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed.
            3.   A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder, Wright County.
      (4)   Cross parking facilities for commercial, industrial and civic/institutional uses. Adjoining business properties may allow cross parking and/or access if authorized by a conditional use per the requirements of § 153.028(D) and subject the following conditions:
         (a)   The required island and landscaping requirements in § 153.060 are met.
         (b)   The vehicular use area meets the required setback at the perimeter of the parcels in question.
         (c)   The curb cut access locations to the parking lot(s) are approved by the city.
         (d)   A shared parking/access and maintenance agreement is provided by the parking owners and recorded against all subject properties.
         (e)   A properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder.
(Ord. 799, passed 2-27-2023)