No use shall be permitted or authorized to be established which, when conducted in compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code and any additional conditions and requirements prescribed, may be hazardous, noxious, or offensive due to the emission of odor, dust, smoke, fumes, cinders, gas, noise, vibration, light, electrical interference, refuse matters and water carried wastes, or which will interfere with adjacent landowners enjoyment of the use of their lands.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)
On every corner lot there shall be no material impairment to visibility (whether by the location of structures including fences, landscaping or other means) between a height of 2 feet and a height of 6 feet above the natural grade, within the triangle formed by the right-of-way lines of two intersecting streets, and a line drawn between two points, one on each such right-of-way line, each 30 feet from the point of intersection of such right-of-way lines.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)
(A) Minimum Construction Standards. All structures, except those exempt as specified in this Zoning Code, shall comply with the standards of all enabling codes adopted by the City of Montgomery. Compliance to the building code is required regardless of whether the structure is constructed on the building site, fabricated in a factory, or moved in from a location outside the City.
(B) Permitted Height Exemption.
(1) With the exception of a residential structure in a residential district or an accessory structure in a residential district, roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building; fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, steeples, stage lofts, and screens; and the following, either rooftop or freestanding: flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, radio and television aerials, wireless masts, water tanks or similar structures shall be permitted to exceed the maximum height set forth for the district in which the structure is located provided:
(a) No such structure shall exceed the height limits of the district in which it is located by more than 15 feet; and
(b) No such structure shall have a total area greater than 25% of the roof area of the building.
(c) Fire or parapet walls shall not exceed 10% of the linear feet of the elevation of the building facade on which it is located.
(2) Residential structures in a residential district or accessory structures to a residential use or structure in a residential district shall not exceed the height limits of the district in which they are located.
(C) Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings and uses shall be permitted in accordance with district regulations provided that no accessory structure or building is permitted on a lot unless there exists a principal building on such lot.
(D) Structures for Human Habitation. Only structures that meet all the requirements for a permitted dwelling unit shall be permitted to be occupied for human habitation.
(E) Temporary Facilities. Temporary construction facilities for use incidental to construction work may be erected in any zoning districts herein established; however, such facilities shall be removed within 30 days of removal of the temporary certificate of occupancy or upon completion or abandonment of the construction work. Such facilities shall not be occupied for human habitation. Temporary facilities include: construction fencing, construction sheds and offices, tool sheds, and portable toilet facilities.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)
(A) Legislative purpose. Although medical marijuana is in some respects legal under applicable state law, it remains illegal under federal law. The purpose of this section is to prohibit the use of real property in the city for a medical marijuana-related business or home occupation, whether as a cultivator, processor, distributor or dispensary. This section is expressly adopted as authorized by ORC § 3796.29 and as an exercise of the city's power of local self-government and Home Rule authority reserved to the city under the City Charter, and Section 3, Article XVIII of the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
(B) Definitions. The following definitions shall apply for all purposes under the zoning code:
(1) MARIJUANA. As defined in ORC § 3719.01.
(2) MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Marijuana that is cultivated, processed, dispensed, tested, possessed, or used, for a medical purpose, regardless of whether such marijuana is, or is not, in a form or intended for incorporation into a form permitted under ORC § 3796.06.
(3) MEDICAL MARIJUANA- RELATED BUSINESS OR HOME OCCUPATION. A business or home occupation use, involving in whole or in part, the cultivation, processing, distribution, and/or wholesale or retail sale of medical marijuana on the premises. This definition shall specifically include, but is not limited to, dispensaries of medical marijuana; facilities for the cultivation, packing, transportation, processing, storage, and/or sale of medical marijuana; and bakeries or kitchens producing edible forms of medical marijuana or products containing the same.
(C) Prohibition. No medical marijuana-related business or home occupation may be established, operated, or maintained within the city, nor shall any provision of the zoning code be construed to permit the use of any property for that purpose. This prohibition shall apply within all zoning districts within the city.
(Ord. 8, 2018, passed 7-11-18)