All properties designated HOS - Hospital Corridor Overlay District on the official zoning map of the City of Montgomery and the inset (see Chapter 151.16) shall be subject to the regulations of this chapter. Current residential uses will become a part of the district when the property is redeveloped to a non-residential use. The underlying regulations applicable to these properties are set forth in Chapter 151.12 and specifically § 151.1215, but these regulations are intended to supplement such regulations. As a result, the regulations stated in this chapter shall apply to the properties in addition to the underlying zoning district regulations. Where the standards are in discrepancy, the more stringent shall apply.
(A) Review Procedure.
(1) The Zoning Administrator, subject to approval by the Planning Commission, shall adopt certain rules and regulations setting forth the pallet of colors, roof materials, building materials, and other construction materials acceptable in the Hospital Corridor District for the enforcement of this Code.
(B) Compliance.
(1) All new construction on a lot in the Hospital Corridor District where the existing principal building is completely removed and a new building is proposed shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and the development plan review procedures set forth in Chapter 150.14, unless exempt by § 150.1207.
(2) Additions to the principal structure which result in an increase in the total exterior wall area of 25% or more shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter with the exception of §§ 151.1604 and 151.1605; and the development plan review procedures set forth in Chapter 150.14, unless exempt by § 150.1207.
(4) Maintenance, or minor alterations to existing structures shall be exempt from development plan review and these standards.
(5) No conforming structures as of the adoption of these standards shall be modified or altered in a manner which makes them noncompliant with these standards.
(6) Site modifications, parking, and modifications to mechanical equipment shall meet the standards related to those features to the maximum extent feasible. Modifications to the site will not require modifications to the building.
(7) Applications for exterior changes to property in the Hospital Corridor Overlay District that is not subject to a development plan review shall comply with the procedures set forth in § 150.1207.
(Ord. 3-2010, passed 4-7-10)