   150.2201   Authority for zoning amendments
   150.2202   Initiation of zoning amendments
   150.2203   Zoning amendments initiated by property owners(s)
   150.2204   Zoning amendments initiated by Planning Commission or Council
   150.2205   Review and public notice by Planning Commission
   150.2206   Recommendation by the Planning Commission
   150.2207   Public hearing and notice by Council
   150.2208   Action by Council
   Whenever the public necessity, general welfare or good zoning practices require, City Council may amend, revise, rearrange, renumber or recodify this Zoning Code or amend, supplement, change or repeal the boundaries or classification of property according to the procedures set forth in this Chapter and subject to the procedures provided by law.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)
   Amendments to the Zoning Code, either text or map, may be initiated in one of the following ways:
   (A)   By the filing of an application to the Planning Commission by at least one owner or lessee of property or developer with an option on such property within the area proposed to be changed or affected by said amendment.
   (B)   By the adoption of a motion by the Planning Commission recommending to City Council that the process be initiated to consider a zoning amendment, with concurrence by Council.
   (C)   By motion of City Council to initiate the rezoning process.
   (D)   Upon a written recommendation by the Zoning Administrator to the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05; Am. Ord. 6-2006, passed 4-5-06)
   An amendment initiated by at least one owner or lessee of property or developer with an option on such property within the area proposed to be changed or affected by said amendment shall be submitted and reviewed according to the following:
   (A)   Submission Requirements. Applications for proposed amendments shall contain at least the following information:
      (1)   The name, address and phone number of the applicant and the property owner if other than the applicant;
      (2)   A statement of the reason(s) for the proposed amendment;
      (3)   A statement on the ways in which the proposed amendment relates to the Comprehensive Plan;
      (4)   The payment of the application fee;
      (5)   Amendments to the Zoning Map adopted as part of this Zoning Code shall contain the following additional information:
         (a)   Legal description of the parcel(s) to be rezoned, drawn by a registered surveyor;
         (b)   Present use and zoning district;
         (c)   Proposed use and zoning district;
         (d)   A vicinity map at a scale approved by the Zoning Administrator showing property lines, thoroughfares, existing and proposed zoning, and such other items as the Zoning Administrator may require;
         (e)   A list of all property owners lying within 300 feet of any part of the property on which the zoning amendment is requested, including their addresses and permanent parcel number as shown upon the County Auditor's current tax list;
         (f)   Existing topography at two-foot contour intervals of the property to be rezoned and extending at least 300 feet outside the proposed site, and including property lines, easements, street rights-of-ways, existing structures, trees and landscaping features existing thereon;
   (B)   Referral to Planning Commission. After the filing of a completed application by an owner, lessee of property or developer with an option on such property, the Zoning Administrator shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission to begin the review process set forth in §§ 150.2205 through 150.2208.
(Ord. 5-2005, passed 3-23-05)