(A)   No permit to conduct or to carry on the business of a secondhand dealer or junk dealer shall be granted to any person unless the person shall first have made an application in writing for a permit on forms required by the city and as prescribed and provided by the Department of Justice. No person shall be issued a permit by the City Council to carry on the business of a secondhand dealer or junk dealer if that person has been convicted of an attempt to receive stolen property or any other offense involving stolen property. Prior to the granting of a permit under this chapter, the application for said permit shall be submitted to the Department of Justice in accordance with the procedure set forth in Cal. Business and Professions Code § 21641.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall not issue any business license to any person to conduct or carry on the business of a secondhand dealer or junk dealer until the City Council shall have granted a permit therefor as provided in this chapter. Permits granted under this chapter shall be renewable one year from the date of issue and annually thereafter upon the filing of a renewal application and the payment of appropriate fees as provided in this code and subject to the requirements provided in Cal. Business and Professions Code § 21642.
(`83 Code, § 5.56.040) (Ord. 82-56 § 3, 1982)