   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "BOARD." The Board of Trustees of Monroeville, Indiana, or any duly authorized officials acting in its behalf.
   "DEBT SERVICE COSTS." The average annual principal and interest payments on all outstanding revenue bonds or other long-term capital debt.
   "EXCESSIVE STRENGTH SURCHARGE." An additional charge which is billed to users for treating sewage wastes with an average strength in excess of "NORMAL DOMESTIC SEWAGE".
   "INDUSTRIAL WASTES." The wastewater discharges from industrial, trade, or business processes as distinct from employee wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
   "NORMAL DOMESTIC SEWAGE." For the purpose of determining surcharges, this term shall mean wastewater or sewage having an average daily concentration as follows: BOD not more than 200 mg/l. S.S. not more than 200 mg/l.
   "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS." Include all costs, direct and indirect, necessary to provide adequate wastewater collection, transport, and treatment on a continuing basis and produce discharges to receiving water that conform with all related federal, state, and local requirements. These costs include replacement.
   "OTHER SERVICE CHARGES." Tap charges, connection charges, area charges, and other identifiable charges, other than user charges, debts service charges, and excessive strength surcharges.
   "REPLACEMENT COSTS." The expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the sewage works equipment to maintain the capacity and performance for which the works were designed and constructed.
   "USER." Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group that either has a building or occupiable structure on a property which also has a sewer tap, or that discharges wastewater to the treatment works.
   "USER CHARGE." A charge levied on users of wastewater treatment works for the cost of operation and maintenance of the works pursuant to Section 204(b) of Public Law 92-500.
   "USER CLASS." The division of wastewater treatment customers by source, function, waste characteristics, and process or discharge similarities; that is, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental.
   "USER, COMMERCIAL." Any establishment involved in a commercial enterprise, business, or service which based on a determination by the town, discharges primarily segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
   "USER, GOVERNMENTAL." Any federal, state, or local governmental user of the wastewater treatment works.
   "USER, INDUSTRIAL." Any manufacturing or processing facility that discharges industrial waste to a publicly owned treatment works.
   "USER, INSTITUTIONAL." Any establishment involved in a social, charitable, religious, or educational function which, based on a determination by the town, discharges primarily segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
   "USER, RESIDENTIAL." A user of the treatment works whose premises or building is used primarily as a residence for one or more persons, including all dwelling units, and the like.
(Ord. 439, passed 10-16-62; Am. Ord. 501, passed 2-17-82; Am. Ord. 531, passed 2-4-87)
   (A)   Every person whose premises are served by the sewage works shall be charged for the capability of receiving service or the services provided. These charges are established for each user class, as defined, in order that the sewage works shall recover, from each user and user class, revenue which is proportional to its use of the treatment works in terms of volume and load. User charges are levied to defray the cost of operation and maintenance, including replacement, of the treatment works. User charges shall be uniform in magnitude within a user class.
   (B)   User charges are subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, published in the Federal Register September 27, 1978 (43 CFR 44022). Replacement costs, which are recovered through the system of user charges, shall be based upon the expected useful life of the sewage works equipment.
   (C)   The various classes of users of the treatment works for the purpose of this subchapter shall be as follows.
      Class I -   Residential
(Ord. 501, passed 2-17-82; Am. Ord. 531, passed 2-4-87)
   For the use of and the service rendered by the sewage works, rates and charges shall be collected from the owners of each and every lot, parcel of real estate, or building that is connected with the town sanitary system or otherwise discharges sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water, or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the sanitary sewage system of the town. These rates and charges include user charges, debt service costs, excessive strength surcharges, and other service charges, which rates and charges shall be payable as hereinafter provided and shall be in an amount determinable as follows.
   (A)   The sewage rates and charges shall be based on the quantity of water used on or in the property or premises subject to the rates and charges, as the same is measured by the water meter there in use, plus a base charge based on the size of the water meter installed, except as herein otherwise provided. For the purpose of billing and collecting the charges for sewage service, the water meters shall be read monthly and the users shall be billed each month, or period equaling a month. The water usage schedule on which the amount of said rates and charges shall be determined shall be as follows.
All Class I Users
      (1)   Treatment rates per 1,000 gallons of usage per month:   $5.86
      (2)   Base rate per month:
Water Meter (Inches)
Water Meter (Inches)
5/8 to 3/4
   (B) For users of the sewage works that are unmetered water users or accurate meter readings are not available, the monthly charge shall be determined as follows:
      (1)   For users that do not discharge directly or indirectly into the sewage system,$9.10 per month.
      (2)   For all other users, the monthly charge shall be determined by equivalent single-family dwelling units, except as herein provided. Sewage service bills shall be rendered once each month, or period equaling a month. The schedule on which the rates and charges shall be determined is as follows.
                                 Monthly Rate 
              Single-family residence/unit         $32.54
   (C)   For the service rendered to the town, the town shall be subject to the same rates and charges hereinabove provided, or to charges and rates established in harmony therewith.
   (D)   In order to recover the cost of monitoring industrial wastes, the town shall charge the user not less than $25 per sample or costs thereof. This charge will be reviewed on the same basis as all other rates and charges in this subchapter.
(Ord. 439, passed 10-16-62; Am. Ord. 495, passed 4-2-80; Am. Ord. 501, passed 2-17-82; Am. Ord. 531, passed 2-4-87; Am. Ord. 621, passed 12-2-08)
   (A)   Town to determine rates, allowances.
      The quantity of water discharged into the sanitary sewerage system and obtained from sources other than the utility that serves the town shall be determined by the town in such manner as the town shall reasonably elect, and the sewage service shall be billed at the appropriate rates, as provided in § 50.42; except, as is hereinafter provided in this section, the town may make proper allowances in determining the sewage bill for quantities of water shown on the records to be consumed, but which are also shown to the satisfaction of the town that the quantities do not enter the sanitary sewerage system.
   (B)   Single lot not measured by meter.
      (1)   In the event a lot, parcel of real estate, or building discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water, or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, is not a user of water supplied by the water utility serving the town, and the water used thereon or therein is not measured by a water meter, or is measured by a water meter not acceptable to the town, then the amount of water used shall be otherwise measured or determined by the town.
      (2)   In order to ascertain the rate or charge provided in this subchapter, the owner or other interested party shall at his expense, install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices, or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the town for the determination of sewage discharge.
   (C)   Two or more lots measured by single meter. In the event two or more residential lots, parcels of real estate, or buildings discharging sanitary sewage, water, or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then in each case, for billing purposes, the quantity of water used shall be averaged for each user and the base charge and the flow rates and charges shall apply to each of the number of residential lots, parcels of real estate, or buildings served through the single water meter.
   (D)   Two or more dwelling units on single meter.
      (1)   In the event two or more dwelling units such as mobile homes, apartments, or housekeeping rooms discharging sanitary sewage, water, or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then in such case, billing shall be for a single service in the manner set out elsewhere herein, except that:
      (2)   The minimum bill shall not be less than the number of such dwelling units times base rated per month of $9.10.
      (3)   In the case of mobile home courts, the number of dwelling units shall be computed and interpreted as the total number of mobile home spaces available for rent plus any other dwelling units served through the meter.
      (4) A "DWELLING UNIT" shall be interpreted as a room or rooms or any other space or spaces in which cooking facilities are provided.
   (E)   Lot using excess of 25,000 gallons per month. In the event a lot, parcel of real estate, or building discharges sanitary sewage, industrial waste, water, or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, and uses water in excess of 25,000 gallons per month, and it can be shown to the satisfaction of the town that a portion of water as measured by the water meter or meters does not and cannot enter the sanitary sewage system, then the owner or other interested party shall, at his expense, install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices, or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the town for the determination of sewage discharge.
   (F)   Water used for lawn sprinkling.
      (1)   In order that the domestic and residential users of sewage service shall not be penalized for sprinkling lawns during the months of June, July, August, and September, the billing for sewage services for residential or domestic users for the months of June, July, August, and September shall be based upon the water usage for the previous months of December, January, February, and March.
      (2)   In the event the water usage for the previous months of December, January, February, and March is greater than the water usage of the months of June, July, August, and September, then the billing for sewage service shall be computed on the actual water used in the month for which the sewage service bill is being rendered. It is the intention of the foregoing to bill the smaller of the water usage of June versus the previous December, July versus the previous January, and the like.
      (3)   Domestic or residential sewage service as applicable to sprinking rate shall apply to each lot, parcel of real estate, or building which is occupied and used as a residence.
      (4)   The sprinkling rate shall not apply to any premises which are partially or wholly used for commercial or industrial purposes. In the event a portion of such premises shall be used for commercial or industrial purposes, the owner shall have the privilege of separating the water service so that the residential portion of the premises is served through a separate water meter and in such case the water usage as registered by the water meter serving such portion of the premises used for residential purposes would qualify under the sprinkling rate.
(Ord. 439, passed 10-16-62; Am. Ord. 443, passed 2-15-65; Am. Ord. 495, passed 4-20-80; Am. Ord. 501, passed 2-17-82; Am. Ord. 621, passed 12-2-08)
   In order that the rates and charges may be justly and equitably adjusted to the service rendered to users, the town shall base its charges not only on the volume, but also on strength and character of the stronger-than-normal domestic sewage and wastes which it is required to treat and dispose of.
   (A)   Strength determined by user. The town shall require the user to determine the strength and content of all sewage and wastes discharged, either directly or indirectly, into the sanitary sewage system, in such manner and by such method as the town may deem practicable in the light of the conditions and attending circumstances of the case, in order to determine the proper charge. The user shall furnish a central sampling point available to the town at all times.
   (B)   Surcharges.
      (1)   Rates. Normal sewage domestic waste strength should not exceed a biochemical oxygen demand of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid or suspended solids in excess of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid. Additional charges for treating stronger-than-normal domestic waste shall be made on the following basis.
         (a) Rate surcharge based upon suspended solids. There shall be an additional charge of $.12 per pound of suspended solids for suspended solids received in excess of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid.
         (b) Rate surcharge based upon BOD. There shall be an additional charge of $.12 per pound of biochemical oxygen demand for BOD received in excess of 200 milligrams per liter of fluid.
      (2)   Determination standards. The determination of suspended solids and five-day BOD contained in the waste shall be in accordance with the latest copy of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage, and Industrial Wastes", as written by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation, and in conformance with "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants", Regulation CFR Part 136, published in the Federal Register on October 16, 1973.
(Ord. 439, passed 10-16-62; Am. Ord. 501, passed 2-17-82)