A.   General Design Standards.
      1.   Parking Plans. A Parking Plan shall be required for all development and redevelopment with the exception of single family residential uses. Parking plans shall be reviewed in compliance with Section 3.4.21., Parking Plan. Parking Plans shall include at minimum all items required in Section 3.4.21., Parking Plan, and dimensional standards of parking including but not limited to those in Section 8.4.3.C., Dimensional Standards.
      2.   Arrangement. Off-street parking shall be arranged so that vehicles may be parked/unparked without moving other vehicles, except for parking structures which may be designed to allow tandem parking and/or valet services.
      3.   Encroachment. No parking space may be designed in such a way to encroach, hinder or otherwise block a public or private roadway, alley or sidewalk. Parking spaces may be allowed in a setback or build-to-zone (BTZ) as permitted in this UDO.
      4.   Overhang. Where parking spaces are located such that the parked vehicle will overhang a sidewalk, a minimum clear width shall be provided equal to the minimum sidewalk width required.
      5.   Driveways. Driveways, drive aisles, and joint access easements shall not be used for parking vehicles except for single family and two-family residential.
      6.   Wheel Stops. Wheel stops shall be prefabricated, concrete or recycled plastic product manufactured specifically for this use. The use of railroad ties or other non-traditional wheel stops shall not be permitted. Facilities shall have curbs or motor vehicle stops or similar devices so as to prevent vehicles from overhanging on or into adjacent property, or from encroaching into required landscaped areas.
      7.   Landscaped Parking Islands. Parking areas shall be visually and functionally segmented using landscaped islands and canopy trees and meet the requirements of Section 8.3.6., Parking Area Buffers of this UDO. All landscape requirements for parking areas shall be met.
      8.   Drainage. Parking areas shall be drained so as not to cause any nuisance on adjoining or nearby properties.
      9.   Access and Maneuvering. Parking areas shall be arranged for convenient access, maneuvering and safety of pedestrians and vehicles. Parking areas shall be arranged so that no vehicle shall be required to back up from such facilities directly onto designated arterial or collector streets. Parking areas shall be designed, maintained and regulated so that no parking or maneuvering incidental to parking shall be on any public street, sidewalk, or alley.
      10.   Marking of Spaces. All off-street parking area spaces shall be marked.
   B.   Paving.
      1.   Applicability. Paving shall be required per the standards of this Section for:
         a.   All new parking, loading, driveways and drive aisles, serving new construction, including expansions to existing uses;
         b.   All parking, loading, and driveways and drive aisles, existing and new, serving any use expanded in lot coverage/square footage by more than twenty percent (20%) after the effective date of this section; and
         c.   All existing parking, loading, and driveways and drive aisles, serving a use discontinued for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or longer.
      2.   All Uses (Except Single Family Residential). All parking, loading, and driveway areas shall be paved and maintained with asphalt or concrete. Single family residential uses are covered in 8.4.3.B.3. below.
      3.   Single Family Residential Uses. All driveway(s), including driveway extensions for single family residential shall be required to be paved with asphalt or concrete and provide a continuous paved surface from the edge of pavement or curb line of the street to the attached or detached garage or carport, if provided, or front building line of the dwelling, if not provided. Driveways, driveway extensions, parking pads, and other areas of circulation shall not in any event be required to extend more than one hundred (100) feet beyond the edge of pavement or curb line of the street; in these instances the portion of driveway beyond one hundred (100) feet may utilize gravel or other approved materials as determined by the Planning Director. All driveways must be at least ten (10) feet in width at their narrowest point.
      4.   Vehicles, Boats, Manufactured Home, and Equipment Sales, Service, and Leasing Sites, Storage and Display. All storage and/or display areas shall be paved with asphalt or concrete.
      5.   Exceptions to Paving Requirements. These paving requirements shall not apply to the following uses, however, a Zoning Permit in compliance with Section 3.4.20. Zoning Permit, must be obtained for each of the following parking uses:
         a.   Temporary parking areas used for seasonal or special events.
         b.   Areas of manufacturing and industrial uses which are used for parking and storage of heavy machinery and equipment, provided these areas are constructed with gravel or another comparable all-weather compacted surface.
   C.   Dimensional Standards. Parking areas shall include parking spaces of a minimum of ten 10) feet in width by eighteen (18) feet in length. Handicapped parking spaces shall comply with all applicable state laws. Minimum drive aisle widths shall comply with Table 8.4.2: Parking Area Dimensional Standards, below. Figure 8.4.3 has been provided as an illustrative example.
Table 8.4.2. Parking Area Dimensional Standards Table
Type of Parking Angle
Minimum Drive Aisle Width (Feet)
Angle of Parking
Table 8.4.2. Parking Area Dimensional Standards Table
Type of Parking Angle
Minimum Drive Aisle Width (Feet)
Angle of Parking
0 Degrees (Parallel)
30 Degrees
45 Degrees
60 Degrees
90 Degrees (Head-In)
Figure 8.4.3. Parking Area Dimensional Standards Graphic
O-2023-43, passed 9-12-23)