A.   Purpose. For this purpose of this UDO, the City of Monroe is hereby divided into traditional zoning districts, mixed-use districts, overlays, and conditional districts. Land zoned under the previous UDO shall be reclassified to one of the zoning district classifications in this UDO, as set forth in Sections 4-6.
   B.   Intent. It is the intent of this Section to list all zoning districts (traditional and mixed use).
      1.   Section 4 of this UDO establishes all standards for traditional zoning districts.
      2.   Section 5 establishes all standards for mixed-use districts. The location of mixed-use zoning districts shall be consistent with the mixed-use nodes recognized in the City’s Land Use Plan, Forward Monroe.
      3.   Section 6 establishes all standards for overlays.
      4.   Conditional districts shall follow the standards set forth in Section 3 and Section 4.6 of this UDO.
   C.   Transition to New Zoning Districts. As of the effective date of this UDO, land zoned with a zoning district classification from the previous UDO shall be translated or reclassified to one of the zoning district classifications in this UDO as set forth in Sections 4-6. Table 1.3.1 below shows the translation or reclassification of the former zoning districts used in the previous UDO to the corresponding new zoning districts under this UDO. If a use was a lawfully established permitted use before the effective date of this UDO, and is subsequently made a special use in Table 7.1 Table of Permissible Uses, the use shall be considered a lawfully established special use. Previously approved conditional districts are recognized as conforming and shall continue under the provisions of the adopted conditional district ordinance. Unless prohibited by City Council as part of the original approval, a conditional rezoning approved before the effective date of this UDO may include minor changes from the approved conditions in accordance with the standards for site and development plan reviews in Section 3.4.17. To the extent a landowner proposes development that is not allowed by a conditional zoning approved before effective date of this UDO, it must be amended in accordance with the standards for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) consistent with Section 3.4.6.
Table 1.3.1 Former Districts and New Districts
Former Zoning District
New Zoning District
Table 1.3.1 Former Districts and New Districts
Former Zoning District
New Zoning District
R-40 (Residential Low Density)
RR (Residential Rural)
R-20 (Residential Low Density)
RLD (Residential Low Density)
R-10 (Residential High Density)
RMD (Residential Medium Density)
R-MF (Residential, Multi Family)
RHD (Residential High Density)
R-MH (Residential, Manufactured Home)
RLD (Residential Low Density)
CBD (Commercial Business District)
OM (Office/Medical) and DC-MX, DG-MX
OT (Office/Transitional)
OM (Office/Medical)
GB (General Business)
NB (Neighborhood Business) and GB (General Business)
GI (General Industrial)
GI (General Industrial)
HI (Heavy Industrial)
Table 1.3.1 Former Districts and New Districts
Former Zoning District
New Zoning District
Table 1.3.1 Former Districts and New Districts
Former Zoning District
New Zoning District
PCD (Planned Commerce Development)
PUD (Planned Unit Development)
DC-MX (Downtown Central Mixed-Use)
DG-MX (Downtown Gateway Mixed-Use)
CC-MX1 (Community Corridor Mixed-Use 1)
CC-MX2 (Community Corridor Mixed-Use 2)
RC-MX (Regional Corridor Mixed-Use)
MD-MX (Medical District Mixed-Use)
   Conditional Use
Conditional District (CD) Waxhaw Landing Phase 2
Conditional District (CD) Cedar Meadows
Conditional District Sutton Place Townhomes
Conditional District (CD) Monroe Chase
Conditional District (CD) Regent Pines - 2022
Conditional District (CD) Jefferson and Crowell
Conditional District (CD) Riverstone Amendment 1
Conditional District (CD) Camp Sutton Nursery 2
Conditional District (CD) Rocky River Crossing Self Storage
(Am. Ord. O-2022-41, passed 6-14-22; Am. Ord. O-2022-45, passed 6-14- 22; Am. Ord. O-2022-51, passed 5-10-22; Am. Ord. O-2022-58, passed 7- 12-22; Am. Ord. O-2022-62, passed 11-8-22; Am. Ord. O-2023-06, passed 2-14-23; Am. Ord. O-2023-13, passed 4-11-23; Am. Ord. O-2023-49, passed 9-12-23; Am. Ord. O-2023-53, passed 10-10-23)