(A)   Generally. The purpose of the Historic District Commission (HDC) is to identify, protect, and preserve Monroe's historic architectural resources and to educate the public upon those resources and historic preservation.
      (1)   The Historic District Commission serves as an advisory board to the City Council and as a quasi-judicial body, which makes decisions on proposals for exterior changes to or demolition of any properties as well as new construction within Historic Districts.
      (2)   The Historic District Commission consists of seven regular (7) members and two (2) alternate members appointed by the City Council.
      (3)   The chairperson shall receive seventy-five (75) dollars per meeting attended. All other members shall receive fifty (50) dollars per meeting attended.
   (B)   Member Terms. Members of the Historic District Commission shall serve terms of four (4) years. A member may be reappointed for a second consecutive term, but after two (2) consecutive terms a member shall be ineligible for reappointment until one (1) calendar year has elapsed from the date of the termination of their second term.
   (C)   Qualifications. All members of the Historic District Commission shall be residents of the territorial zoning jurisdiction of the city, and a majority of the members shall have demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history or architecture.
(Ord. O-2022-34, passed 4-12-22)