Any person who violates any of the following sections of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished in accordance with §§ 10.99(A): 112.03(A), 112.04(A), 112.05, 112.06(A) and (B), 112.07(A), (B), and (C), 112.08, and 112.09(A), (B), (C), (D), and (E). Each violation shall be considered a separate and distinct offense, and each day of continued violation shall be considered as a separate offense. The issuance of a notice of violation or a suspension or revocation of an adult establishment or adult entertainer permit shall not prohibit the imposition of a criminal penalty, and the imposition of a criminal penalty shall not prevent the issuance of a notice of violation or a suspension or revocation of the permit.