The following information shall be presented by the subdivider at the time of the preliminary consultation:
(A) Proof of ownership of the land to be subdivided, in the form of deed or certificate of title search. No further consideration will be given to a proposed subdivision unless such proof of ownership is established at the time of the preapplication conference.
(B) Information including data on existing covenants, land characteristics and available community facilities and utilities, and information describing the subdivision proposal, such as a number of residential lots, typical lot width and depth, business areas, public areas, proposed protective covenants, and proposed utilities and street improvements.
(C) Sketch plan (10 copies) showing in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots, and other features in relation to existing conditions. The sketch plan shall be an engineered sketch made directly on a print of the topographic survey, with all details to scale. Similarly, a map shall be prepared indicating the location of the proposed subdivision in relation to the city.
(D) No sketch plan or preliminary plat will be approved for a subdivision which is subject to periodic flooding or which contains poor drainage facilities and which would make adequate drainage of the lots and streets impossible. However, if the applicant agrees to make improvements which will, in the opinion of the city engineer, make the area completely safe for residential occupancy and provide adequate lot and street drainage, the preliminary plat of the subdivision may be approved. (Ord. 455, 4-21-1997)