§ 8-3.8.76 Electronic Gaming Operations.
   A zoning permit will be issued by the zoning administrator if the application is complete and all of the following requirements are met:
   (A)   If food or beverage is served, the establishment must meet the requirements of the Davie County Health Department, including any and all necessary permits and/or licenses.
   (B)   The establishment must be a minimum of 1,000 feet from any schools, day care, religious institution, park and building being used as a dwelling.
   (C)   The establishment must be a minimum of one-half mile from any other establishment engaged in an electronic gaming operations business.
   (D)   For the purposes of this subsection and 8-3.8.76(c), the distance shall be measured in a straight line from the closest point between the building housing the electronic gaming operation and the building housing the dwelling or other electronic gaming operation.
   (E)   Electronic gaming operations are prohibited in or as part of any check cashing facility.
   (F)   All games rooms/tables/devices shall be operated only on the ground floor of a building.
   (G)   No screens, curtains, blinds, partitions or other obstructions shall be placed between the windows or the entrance to the room where the electronic gaming is played and the rear wall of the room. A clear view of the interior from the entrance to the rear of the room must be maintained at all times.
   (H)   No partitions forming rooms, stalls or other enclosures where the public congregates shall be permitted; provided, however, that, this shall not be construed so as to prohibit the maintenance of closets used exclusively for storage purposes, or of toilets.
   (I)   There shall not be permitted or maintained any open or secret connections through doors, windows, trap doors, hidden doors, panels, stairways or other devices with any place where electronic gaming is.
(Adopted 10-3-2017; Amended 12-12-2019; Amended 1-7-2020)