(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, place or deposit any garbage or refuse of any kind in any place or on any public or private property, except in approved containers or as otherwise provided in this article.
(B) All garbage and refuse shall be collected and placed in containers as required by this article and it shall be unlawful for any person to permit garbage or refuse to accumulate or remain on any premises longer than is reasonably necessary to remove and deposit same in approved containers as required herein.
(1989 Code, § 10-92; 2003 Code, § 6-3.3)
Littering, see § 5-5.4
(A) All garbage shall have the liquid drained therefrom and shall be wrapped in paper or other material before it is placed in the container for collection on the curb.
(B) Ashes and cinders shall be placed in a separate container and no ashes shall be deposited in any container until they are cold.
(1989 Code, § 10-93; 2003 Code, § 6-3.4) (Amended 9-28-2016)
(A) Containers, as required in this article, shall be placed on the premises as designated by the town personnel.
(B) Garbage and refuse will be collected and removed from approved containers in accordance with the published schedule in the residential districts.
(C) Garbage and refuse will be removed from the business districts pursuant to the published schedule.
(D) On the days designated for collection, containers shall be in place prior to 6:00 a.m. When required, containers after they have been emptied shall be returned to the place designated if the containers are to be emptied from a place on the public streets. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner or occupant to return the container after it has been emptied to the designated place.
(1989 Code, § 10-94; 2003 Code, § 6-3.5) (Amended 9-28-2016)
(A) Industrial refuse will not be collected by the town, unless a special contract therefor is entered into by the town and the property owner.
(B) The contracts shall specify the charges for collection and specify in detail the type wastes to be collected and disposed of.
(1989 Code, § 10-97; 2003 Code, § 6-3.8)
It shall be unlawful to burn or set fire to or bury any garbage for the purpose of disposal.
(1989 Code, § 10-98; 2003 Code, § 6-3.9)
Open burning generally, see §§ 5-2.1. et seq.