Design District; Design Review Board
1349.01    Establishment, composition.
1349.02    Qualifications of members.
1349.03    Terms.
1349.04    Organization and officers.
1349.05    Meetings.
1349.06    Statement of purpose.
1349.07    Definitions.
1349.08    Initial powers and duties of Board.
1349.09    Design districts.
1349.10    Certificate of Appropriateness (COA).
1349.11    Sign and window display regulations.
1349.12    Minimum maintenance requirement.
1349.13    Recognition of historic landmarks and districts.
1349.14    Procedures for establishing future landmarks and design districts.
1349.15    Designation procedures for design districts or historic landmarks.
1349.16    Exclusions.
1349.17    Severability.
1349.18    Remedies.
1349.99    Penalty.
Reference Materials
      Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation
      The National Register of Historic Places
      Map of Historic Downtown Millersburg Project Area
      Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 715.29,
         737.28, 737.37