The Design Review Board established by Section 1349.01 shall have and is hereby vested to exercise the following powers and perform the duties as is consistent with the scope of its authority.
All rules of procedure adopted by the DRB shall be available for public inspection.
(a) Permitting or denying the application of the owner for a Certificate of Appropriateness permitting a change affecting a Protected Property, including approval of signs erected, constructed, reconstructed, replaced, or modified. Such approval shall be required in addition to all other permits applicable to the property.
(b) Applying the design review standards and the sign and window display regulations as listed in Section 1349.12 to evaluate applications for Certificates of Appropriateness.
(c) Conduct a continuing survey of cultural resources in the community, including all buildings, structures, site, objects and area of architectural, historic, or aesthetic interest, according to survey guidelines established by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.
(d) Maintain a detailed inventory of the historic designated districts, sites, and/or structures.
(e) Allow the inventory material to be accessible to the public; however, access to archaeological site locations may be restricted.
(f) Maintain all inventory items on Ohio Historic Archaeological inventory forms or forms compatible with OHPO's computerized inventory.
(g) Make such forms available through duplicates to the OHPO.
(h) Update inventory/forms periodically to reflect changes, alterations, and demolitions.
(i) Recommend to Council the creation of Design Districts and their boundaries within the Village.
(j) Recommend to Council the establishment of design standards and guidelines within any Design District, which standards and guidelines may relate to the following characteristics: structural proportion, structural foundations, exterior wall appearance, building height, building width, building materials, roof type/materials, exterior architectural features such as trim, windows, and/or porches, paving and walkways, plantings and landscaping features, exterior building colors, signs or other commercial fixtures, and types, materials and colors of fences.
(k) Make recommendations to Council concerning the utilization of grants from federal and state agencies, private groups and individuals and the utilization of budgetary appropriations to promote the preservation of historic or architecturally significant structures within a Design District and promoting the architectural and aesthetic compatibility of structures within a District.
(l) Evaluate and comment upon decisions by other municipal agencies which affect the physical development and land use patterns with regard to historic or architecturally significant structures in a Design District and the aesthetic compatibility of buildings within a District.
(m) Act as a liaison on behalf of local government to individuals and organizations concerned with historic preservation.
(n) To work toward the continuing education of citizens within the Village of Millersburg regarding historic preservation.
(o) To seek expertise when the DRB considers a National Register nomination and other like actions which are normally evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline and that discipline is not represented on the DRB before reaching a decision. The DRB may seek assistance of academic or consulting archaeologists.
(p) Conduct or encourage members to attend training/educational sessions at least once a year, or have an in-depth consultation with the OHPO, pertaining to work and functions of the commission or on specific historic preservation issues. This should occur on an annual basis. (The OHPO will provide orientation materials and training.)
(q) Make and keep on file for public inspection a written annual support of Board activities, cases, decisions, special projects and qualifications of the members.
(r) Undertake additional responsibilities upon mutual written agreement between the OHPO and the Certified Local Government. A written agreement will address what duties are to be performed, what staff assistance is needed to perform the work and what level of activity in each area of responsibility will be maintained. All delegated responsibilities must be complementary.
(Ord. 2023-108. Passed 1-8-24.)