This section provides the minimum standards for the placement, construction and modification of wind energy systems (major), while promoting the safe, effective and efficient use of such systems.
   A.   Location: A wind energy system (major) may be authorized as provided by section 10-25-1 of this title, appendix A, table of uses.
   B.   Setbacks: All wind energy systems (major) shall be set back from the nearest property line and public road right of way as approved by the land use authority, as applicable.
   C.   Avoid Negative Impact On Adjoining Property: All wind energy systems (major) shall be located so as to avoid creating any negative impacts or nuisance to any adjoining use or property, as evidenced by data, information, materials, and studies provided by the applicant, and accepted and approved by the land use authority.
   D.   Minimum Parcel Size: No wind energy system (major) shall be established on any parcel less than twenty (20) acres.
   E.   Height: The height of a wind energy system (major) shall be as approved by the land use authority, as applicable.
   F.   Design Standards: A wind energy system (major) shall demonstrate that any structures, location and siting will not result in shadow flicker, noise, or ice throw on an adjacent property or structure, including a finding that the wind energy system (major) can be approved complying with all requirements of this section. In addition, the land use authority shall consider the following when considering a land use application for a wind energy system (major):
      1.   Avian impacts.
      2.   Visual impacts, appearance and viewsheds.
      3.   Wildlife habitat areas and migration patterns.
      4.   Decommissioning, reclamation and abandonment plans.
      5.   Lighting and federal aviation administration (FAA) height restrictions.
      6.   Fencing and security.
      7.   Noise impacts.
      8.   Shadow flicker and strobe effects.
      9.   Telecommunications interference.
      10.   Other issues and impacts, as applicable.
   G.   Safety And Access:
      1.   No tower shall have any climbing apparatus within fifteen feet (15') of the ground. All access doors or accessways to towers and electrical equipment shall be locked at all times.
      2.   Appropriate warning signage shall be placed on towers, electrical equipment and wind energy system entrances.
   H.   Noise: No wind energy system (major) shall exceed sixty decibels (60 dBA) as measured at the property line or fifty decibels (50 dBA) measured at the nearest dwelling.
   I.   Visual Appearance:
      1.   Wind energy systems (major) shall be finished in a rust resistant, nonobtrusive finish and color that is nonreflective.
      2.   No wind energy system (major) shall be lighted unless required by the federal aviation administration (FAA).
      3.   No advertising signs of any kind shall be permitted on any wind energy system (major).
      4.   Appropriate screening and landscaping shall be provided to screen all accessory structures from roads and adjacent dwellings and public buildings.
   J.   Electrical Connections: All electrical connections and distribution lines shall comply with all applicable codes and public utility requirements.
   K.   Communications Signal Interference: All efforts shall be made to site wind energy systems (major) to reduce the potential for blocking or reflecting television and other communication signals. No wind energy system (commercial) shall cause permanent and material interference with television or other communication signals.
   L.   Overspeed Controls: All wind energy systems (major) shall be equipped with both manual and automatic overspeed controls.
   M.   Fire Protection: All wind energy systems (major) shall have a defensible space for fire protection in accordance with the Utah wildland-urban interface code.
   N.   Land Use Application: All land use applications to establish a wind energy system (major) shall, in addition to the conditional use application materials required herein, provide the following information:
      1.   Elevations of the proposed site to scale showing the height, design and configuration of the wind energy system (major) and distance to all existing structures, buildings, roads and streets, electrical lines, property and fence lines.
      2.   Engineering drawings of the proposed wind energy system (major) identifying:
         a.   Tower design, including its weight bearing capacity.
         b.   Foundation and anchor design and soil conditions and specifications for the soil conditions at the site.
         c.   Specific information on the type, size, rotor material, rated power output, performance, safety and noise characteristics of the proposed wind energy system (major) including the name and address of the manufacturer and model.
         d.   Emergency and normal shutdown procedures.
         e.   Electrical drawings identifying all electrical components and in sufficient detail to establish that the installation conforms to all applicable electrical codes. (Ord. 12-12-04, 12-4-2012)