A.   Location:
      1.   Small WECS shall only be permitted within residential or suburban estate zoning classifications, wherein they shall be located in rear yards behind any primary residential structure. Any roof mounted unit must be located on the rear facing side of the roof.
      2.   Large WECS shall only be permitted within agricultural, business or industrial zoning classifications, wherein they shall be located on the rear side of any primary structures, away from any public right of way.
      3.   Some locations will require consideration of FAA requirements.
   B.   Setbacks And Height Limitations:
      1.   The WECS total tower height shall be measured from the tower base to the tip of the rotor blade extended vertically.
      2.   Rooftop units shall not exceed a height of six feet (6') above the peak of the roof.
      3.   A WECS must be set back from all public and private right of way lines of the parcel on which it is located a distance 1.1 times (110 percent of) the total height, or the total height plus ten feet (10'), whichever is greater.
      4.   The distance between the ground and any blades shall be no less than twenty feet (20').
      5.   Small WECS shall not exceed a total height of fifty feet (50').
      6.   Large WECS shall not exceed a total height of one hundred feet (100').
   C.   Access: All WECS towers, including any climbing aids, shall be secured against unauthorized access by means of a locked barrier or security fence six feet (6') in height.
   D.   Electrical Circuits: All electrical circuits associated with the WECS shall be located underground or in conduits attached to the structures or towers.
   E.   Appearance:
      1.   The exterior surface of any visible components of a WECS shall be of a nonreflective, neutral color, as approved by the village.
      2.   No tower, structures or accessory buildings may be used for advertising or promotion (i.e., team logos, etc.).
      3.   Only appropriate warning signs and similar pertinent information signs will be allowed. (Ord. 1542, 10-17-2011)