A.   Backfilling: The work of backfilling excavations in street rights of way shall be done exclusively by the permittee. The permittee shall continue to be responsible for the area backfilled for a period of thirty six (36) months after the backfilling has been completed.
   B.   Resurfacing: The work of resurfacing and constructing a base on top of backfill material and under the finished surfacing material shall be done exclusively by the permittee and directly under village supervision. Similarly, the replacement of curbs and sidewalks damaged or removed in the course of an excavation shall be performed exclusively by the permittee, with village approval. (1983 Code § 11-1-8; amd. 2011 Code)
   C.   Methods And Materials: The methods and materials used in performing all backfilling, resurfacing and reconstruction of curbs and sidewalks resulting from excavations in street rights of way shall be subject to the specifications and direction of the consulting engineer, if any, involved in any street improvement project that necessitated the performance of said backfilling and resurfacing work. (1983 Code § 11-1-8)
   D.   Duty To Repair Backfilling And Resurfaced Area: The sinking within thirty six (36) months after the completion date of any resurfacing patch over a street cut backfilled by a permittee shall be held to be the responsibility of said parties who shall, upon direction of the village building inspector, reexcavate and properly refill said street cut. (1983 Code § 11-1-8; amd. 2011 Code)