5-2-5: NOTICES:
   A.   Standard Notice: In the event of a violation under subsections 5-2-3A through M of this chapter, which is not an "emergency" as set forth in section 5-2-6 of this chapter, the building inspector or any member of the police department shall issue a notice to the owner or occupant of the property on which the violation exists, either by regular mail or in person, or by publication in one issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the village and a copy of said publication posted on said building if the owner or owners do not reside in the village or they are unknown. The notice shall provide the owner or occupant a period of ten (10) calendar days to correct the violation. In the event the owner or occupant fails to correct the violation in the time given to correct the same, the owner or occupant will be in violation of this subsection and may be issued an ordinance violation citation. (Ord. 1428, 5-7-2007)
   B.   Notice Of Violation Of Technical Codes: In the event of a violation under subsection 5-2-3N of this chapter, which is not an "emergency" as set forth in section 5-2-6 of this chapter, the building inspector shall issue a notice to the owner or occupant of the property on which the violation exists, either by regular mail or in person, or by publication in one issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the village and a copy of said publication posted on said building if the owner or owners do not reside in the village or they are unknown. The notice shall provide the owner or occupant a period of not less than ten (10) calendar days to correct the violation. In the event the owner or occupant fails to correct the violation in the time given to correct the same, the owner or occupant will be in violation of this subsection and may be issued an ordinance violation citation. (Ord. 1428, 5-7-2007; amd. 2011 Code)
   C.   Alternative Notice: Whenever the board of trustees shall, by resolution, declare a nuisance to exist pursuant to subsection 5-2-3O of this chapter, which nuisance is not an "emergency" as set forth in section 5-2-6 of this chapter, the village clerk shall issue in a notice and order of abatement, which shall be served upon the owner or owners of said building residing in the village, or published in one issue a newspaper of general circulation in the village and a copy of said publication posted on said building if the owner or owners do not reside in the village or are unknown. The notice shall provide the owner or owners a period of ten (10) calendar days to correct the violation. In the event the owner or occupant fails to correct the violation in the time given to correct same, the owner or occupant will be in violation of this subsection and may be issued an ordinance violation citation. (Ord. 1428, 5-7-2007)