(a) Site landscaping for single-, two-, three-, and four-family dwellings.
(1) Public space/front yards.
A. Front yards shall be landscaped with plants and ground covers to enhance the dwelling.
B. At least 15% of the front yard shall be landscaped with shrubbery, hedges, and flowering types of planting materials.
C. For purposes of this section the front yard area shall be the minimum front yard setback multiplied by the minimum lot width for the specific development or zoning district in which the dwelling is located.
D. For corner lots this landscape area shall be increased to 20% based on the yard area for a single frontage, however this 20% landscaping area may be applied to either or both street frontage.
(2) Trees.
A. A minimum of three trees shall be provided in each front yard area, up to two which may be planted between the sidewalk and the street curb.
B. Each tree shall be a minimum of one and one-half inch caliper DBH.
(b) Site landscaping in the BC District.
(1) A minimum of 15 trees per gross acre are required in the BC District.
(2) This requirement may be met through any of the required landscaping (e.g., buffering, site landscaping, landscaping in vehicular use areas, etc.) as well as tree preservation.
(3) In order to enhance and soften the appearance of buildings, at least 50% of the area within ten feet of all principal buildings shall consist of planted areas and contain a combination of trees, grass, flowers, shrubs, and other ground cover. If foundation planting requirements overlap with buffer requirements in § 1216.06, the buffer requirements may satisfy this standard. See Figure 1216-A.
(Ord. O2018-02, passed 2-20-2018)