The standards of this section apply to all residential principal and accessory buildings unless otherwise stated.
   (a)   Architectural standards and review for new single-, two-, three-, and four-family dwellings.
      (1)   Applicability.
         A.   The standards of this division apply to all single-, two-, three- and multi-family dwellings with four dwelling units for which building permit applications are filed after the effective date of this code.
         B.   No building permit shall be issued without a determination from the Architectural Review Board (ARB) of compliance with the standards set forth in this section with the following exceptions:
            1.   The ARB may review subdivisions and approve the architectural standards for an entire subdivision. If the ARB reviews and approves architectural standards for a subdivision, the Development Code Administrator may issue a certificate of zoning compliance for any individual dwelling that is in compliance with the ARB approval.
            2.   The Development Code Administrator may review the architectural standards for single-family, two-family, and three-family dwellings on lots within a single block where over 80% of the lots within the block are occupied by existing dwellings constructed prior to the effective date of this code. ARB review and approval shall not be required in these infill development applications.
      (2)   Architectural standards.
         A.   Building orientation.
            1.   The main entrance of any residential building shall be oriented toward a public street.
            2.   For corner lots in residential zoning districts, a dwelling unit may be oriented toward the intersection of the two streets.
         B.   Building materials.
            1.   The first above-ground story of a residential dwelling shall have façades constructed of stone, brick, wood, stucco, cultured stone, cement siding, or hardy plank when such façades are visible from a public street.
            2.   All other exterior walls areas of the dwelling may be constructed of other code approved building materials.
            3.   Areas excluded from the building material requirements stated above are limited to any exterior wall areas of the dwelling where normal building practices prohibit the use of the material stated above including gas fireplace insert cantilevers, gables, overhangs, downspout and gutters, kitchen and other bays and other types of protrusions for which it is not reasonably practical to use the materials stated above.
            4.   All siding shall be either horizontal or vertical in placement.
            5.   All potential below grade living areas shall be constructed with poured concrete walls.
         C.   Roofs and projections.
            1.   Roof pitch shall have a minimum five-twelves pitched roof design, including the roof area located over the garage.
            2.   The roof area located over the porch and entrance portions of the dwelling may be constructed using a minimum of four-twelves pitched roof design. Roofing materials shall be compatible with the design and style of the dwelling unit and development.
            3.   A minimum overhang of 12 inches shall be provided over all faces of the exterior walls of a dwelling. The material of such projections shall be constructed of durable and maintenance-free materials. The entire exterior areas of chimneys used for masonry, wood-burning open flame fireplaces shall be constructed of the exterior materials provided for in division (a)(2)B. of this section.
            4.   No horizontal plane on ground floor street-facing building frontage shall continue over 24 feet in length without being broken into different planes. Any sidewalls exceeding 30 feet in length shall be broken into different planes or be substantially broken with doors, windows, or a variety of siding materials.
         D.   Windows and doors. No dwelling shall be constructed with aluminum windows or aluminum primary doors. Aluminum clad and vinyl clad windows and garage doors are permitted.
         E.   Mass and scale.
            1.   No principal building shall be constructed where the front façade is more than 20% wider or 20% narrower than the average width of principal buildings along the same block face when more than half of the lots along the block face are occupied by existing structures.
            2.   The front façade of the principal building is set back from the front line an amount equal to or within 20% of the average setback of all other buildings along the same block face. See Figure 1210-A.
Figure 1210-A: The new construction (outlined in red) on the right demonstrates appropriate average setbacks.
The dwelling outlined in red on the left has a front setback that is too deep.
            3.   In the case of the complete redevelopment of entire block or block face, the minimum front yard setback shall be within 20% of the average setback of the structures that previously existed on the applicable block face or the average setback of adjacent block faces.
            4.    Street-facing garages shall not comprise more than 50% of the ground floor building frontages. Any garage with more than two car parking capacity should not directly face onto any street. It is recommended that any garage with more than two car parking capacity should have the sidewall facing onto the street.
            5.   For all new subdivisions, the applicant shall provide sufficient information to demonstrate a variety of base architectural styles or models dependent on the size of the subdivision in accordance with Table 1210-1.
Proposed Number of Lots
Number of Base Models/Styles
Less than 20
21 to 50
51 to 100
More than 100
8 + (0.08 x # lots over 100), rounded to the nearest whole number
         F.   Utility boxes.
            1.   All utility boxes located in the front yard shall be screened from public view with landscaping material, to the maximum extent feasible, as permitted by the utility company.
            2.   Large utility structures shall be subject to § 1204.09(f)(2), regardless if they are located in a subdivision or are on a lot subject to a certificate of zoning compliance.
   (b)   Architectural standards for multi-family dwellings with over four dwelling units.
      (1)   Applicability.
         A.   The standards of this section shall apply to all multi-family dwellings that have more than four dwelling units.
         B.   No building permit shall be issued without a determination from the Architectural Review Board (ARB) of compliance with the standards set forth herein.
      (2)   Architectural standards.
         A.   In addition to the standards set forth herein for multi-family dwellings, all multi-family dwellings with over four units shall be subject to the following:
            1.   Division (a)(2)A.: Building orientation;
            2.   Division (a)(2)B.: Building materials;
            3.   Division (a)(2)D.: Windows and doors; and
            4.   Division (a)(2)F.: Utility boxes.
         B.   Architectural features.
            1.   At least three of the following design features shall be provided on the front façade of each dwelling unit with frontage on a public street:
               a.   One or more dormer windows or cupolas;
               b.   A recessed entrance;
               c.   A covered porch or balcony;
               d.    Pillars, posts, or pilasters;
               e.   One or more bay windows with a minimum of 12 inch projection from the façade plane;
               f.   A parapet wall with an articulated design, which entails design variation rather than a simple rectilinear form; or
               g.    Multiple windows with a minimum of four inch wide trim.
            2.   To the maximum extent practicable, all roof vents, pipes, antennas, satellite dishes, and other roof penetrations and equipment (except chimneys) shall be located on the rear elevations or configured to have a minimal visual impact as seen from the street. See § 1216.10.
Figure 1210-B: Illustrative example of acceptable architectural design for multi-family dwellings
Figure 1210-C: Illustrative example of unacceptable architectural design for multi-family dwellings
   (c)   Residential architectural review.
      (1)   Whenever an application for a preliminary subdivision plat or a certificate of zoning compliance is submitted related to development subject to this section, it shall be accompanied by architectural elevations or similar documents illustrating the façades of the proposed dwellings in order to demonstrate compliance with this chapter.
      (2)   The Development Code Administrator shall forward the submitted information to the ARB for their review and decision on compliance with this chapter. Such review shall be completed within 15 days of submission of the drawings.
      (3)   The ARB shall provide a written determination of compliance with the requirements with this chapter.
      (4)   The ARB shall have the authority to waive the provisions of this chapter provided that the intent of this chapter is upheld and if the applicant clearly demonstrates that the strict enforcement of these provisions causes undue hardship and that an extraordinary circumstance exists which would not be found elsewhere in the community.
      (5)   Any individual aggrieved by a decision of the ARB regarding an interpretation or design involving this chapter shall, within 30 calendar days from the date of the ARB's decision, file an appeal to the Planning Commission. The appeal shall be heard on the next available Planning Commission agenda.
(Ord. O2018-02, passed 2-20-2018)