§ 1412.04 DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this Title Four - Heating Regulations:
   (a)   HEATING WORK. The installation, maintenance and repair of devices for the production of heat, to protect the health and provide comfort for human occupants of rooms or buildings, and includes electrical furnaces and heat pumps, and includes smokepipe, breeching and vents, where required, but does not include chimneys, their installation, maintenance or repair.
   (b)   Electrical radiant and electrical baseboard heating are specifically exempted from this chapter.
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (c)   VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK. The installation, maintenance and repair of devices for natural and mechanical means of air circulation to protect the health of and provide comfort for the occupants of rooms and buildings served by such devices.
(Ord. 3230, passed 12-26-1956)