(a)   Signatures on contracts, etc. The City Manager or, in his or her absence or disability, the person designated by him or her to act as City Manager, is hereby named and designated as the proper officer of the City to sign contracts on behalf of the City, to affix the corporate name of the City to all bonds or other evidence of indebtedness of the City and to affix the Seal of the City to all papers requiring such Seal. Said documents shall be first approved as to form and correctness by the Law Director.
   (b)   Authorization of City Manager. The City Manager may authorize the Assistant City Manager or any department director to sign contracts on behalf of the City when the monetary obligations to the City do not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), provided that funds for such contracts have been properly appropriated. Said contracts shall be first approved as to form and correctness by the Law Director. The City Manager shall grant the within described authority to the Public Works Director in writing and for no longer than a one-year period.
   (c)   Southwest Ohio Purchasers for Government Association.
      (1)   The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to join the Southwest Ohio Purchasers for Government Association, the charter and bylaws of which Association are attached to original Ord. O87-21, passed February 3, 1987.
      (2)   The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases, for the City, of commodities or items costing less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), through such Association, provided that funds for such purchases have been properly appropriated.
      (3)   The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases, for the City, of commodities or items costing twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or more, through such Association, provided that:
         A.   The competitive bidding procedures of the Association have been used in such purchases;
         B.   Funds for such purchases have been properly appropriated; and
         C.   The City Council approves the final purchase price of each such purchase on its consent agenda or by separate motion.
   (d)   State programs.
      (1)   The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases, for the City, of goods or commodities costing less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) through program of the Ohio Department of Administration Services (ODAS) and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), provided that funds for such purchases have been properly appropriated.
      (2)   The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases, for the City, of goods or commodities costing twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or more through the ODAS or ODOT program provided that:
         A.   The procedure set forth in Ohio Revised Code have been followed regarding such program;
         B.   Funds for such purchase have been properly appropriated; and
         C.   City Council approved the final purchase price of each such purchase on its consent agenda or by separate motion.
   (e)   Purchase of real property.
      (1)   The City Manager is hereby authorized to bid on and purchase, at County Sheriff’s foreclosure sales, real property, the rehabilitation of which property was performed with Community Development Block Grant Loan Funds (Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Fund). The City Manager may bid up to the amount of the remaining balance owed to the City on such rehabilitation loans, the amount of senior liens on such property and court and sale costs.
      (2)   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to expend moneys for such purposes from the Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Fund, as authorized by the current appropriation legislation.
   (f)   Cooperative purchasing programs. 
      (1) The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases using the following cooperative purchasing programs: Sourcewell, the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) and NASPO ValuePoint (National Association of State Procurement Officials).
      (2) The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases for the City of commodities or items costing less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), through the programs named in division (f)(1) above, provided that funds for such purchases have been properly appropriated.
      (3) The City Manager, through the City Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized to make purchases for the City of commodities or items costing twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or more, through the programs named in division (f)(1) above, provided that:
         A. The competitive bidding procedures of the organizations have been used in such purchases;
         B. Funds for such purchases have been properly appropriated; and
         C. The City Council approves the final purchase price of each such purchase on its consent agenda or by separate motion.
(Ord. O97-129, passed 11-18-1997; Am. Ord. O2003-28, passed 4-1-2003; Am. Ord. O2006-35, passed 5-16-2006; Am. Ord. O2020-41, passed 8-18-2020)