In addition to the attached signs allowed above, illuminated or non-illuminated freestanding business signs are allowed subject to the following restrictions.
   (A)   Freestanding business signs are allowed within all nonresidential zoning districts (these districts include: OR, OR-1, OR-2, OR-3, OTF, C-R, C-N, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-M, M-1, M-2, M-3, EZ-1, PEC, PRO, W-1, W-2, W-3), (PD nonresidential uses) unless otherwise listed under §§ 152.020 through 152.026 or restricted a TNZD District may include freestanding business signs in accordance with the restrictions of the Traditional Neighborhood Form District as listed in this section, subject to additional limits established in the applicable TNZD Ran Report.
   (B)   No freestanding sign shall be located in or project over or into the right-of-way or into any adjoining property.
   (C)   A lot fronting only on one street shall have no more than one freestanding sign unless the street frontage exceeds 600 feet, then a second freestanding sign is allowed. The sum of the areas of the two freestanding signs combined shall not exceed the total maximum area allowed for one freestanding sign.
   (D)   A lot fronting on two or more public streets shall be allowed to have one freestanding sign for each street frontage. If one street frontage exceeds 600 feet then a third sign shall be permitted in accordance with division (C) above. If the site contains more than one street frontage with more than 600 feet of length, then only one of the street frontages shall be permitted to have a second sign in accordance with division (C) above.
   (E)   An outdoor advertising sign shall not be counted in determining compliance with divisions (C) and (D) above.
   (F)   No lot frontage shall have a freestanding sign unless the building situated on that lot is set back at least 15 feet from the street right-of-way line. Corner lots may have a freestanding sign for the frontage on which the building is setback at least 15 feet from the street right-of-way line. Traditional Neighborhood, Traditional Marketplace and Village Form Districts shall be exempt from the setback requirement as listed in this division.
   (G)   There shall be no minimum setback for a freestanding business sign as long as the sign meets the restrictions listed under § 152.006(B). No freestanding sign shall encroach into a required yard.
   (H)   Where more than one freestanding sign is proposed for installation on a development site with multiple frontages, a minimum of 60 linear feet shall separate each freestanding sign.
   (I)   Freestanding business signs for lots adjacent to Scenic Corridors, Olmsted Parkways and Parkways and for lots within the Traditional Marketplace Corridor, Neighborhood, Traditional Neighborhood, Campus and Village Form Districts shall meet one of the following design standards:
      (1)   The sign shall be a monument style sign;
      (2)   The sign shall be a columnar sign; or
      (3)   In locations where the permit issuer identifies a potential sight distance problem and when the Director of Works determines that the design standards in division (I)(1) or (I)(2) above would negatively affect sight distance necessary for pedestrian and vehicular traffic accessing the site or using adjacent intersections, another sign style may be approved by the Planning Director.
   (J)   Form District specific freestanding sign restrictions.
      (1)   Traditional Neighborhood Form Districts. Freestanding signs are permitted only when the linear street frontage of the lot exceeds 120 feet.
      (2)   Suburban Workplace Form Districts. One freestanding suburban workplace overall development identification sign shall be permitted adjacent to the primary entrance to developments having more than five lots and having an access point from an arterial level street. This sign shall not be counted towards the number of allowed freestanding business signs on a lot. The sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in area and 24 feet in height. The sign if located adjacent to a designated parkway shall meet the sign restrictions listed in Table 2 (§ 152.075).
      (3)   Campus Form Districts.
         (a)   In multiple lot developments the base, side and frame of freestanding signs shall be uniform in design, materials and color.
         (b)   One freestanding campus overall development identification sign shall be permitted adjacent to the primary entrance to developments having more than five lots and having an access point from an arterial level street. This sign shall not be counted towards the number of allowed freestanding business signs on a lot. The sign shall not exceed 100 square feet in area and 18 feet in height. The sign if located adjacent to a designated parkway shall meet the sign restrictions listed in Table 2 (§ 152.075).
         (c)   Signs may be located within the building setbacks, established within § 5.3.5.
      (4)   Downtown Form District
         (a)   Freestanding signs shall be limited to small freestanding business signs, directory signs and directional signs.
         (b)   Freestanding signs shall only be permitted within the storefront zone of the sidewalk, subject to the licensing requirements established by the Director of Works, or as part of the plaza, park or other open space designed in conjunction with the structures(s).
      (5)   Suburban Marketplace Corridor. Businesses within the Suburban Marketplace Corridor Form District may choose to add the allowable square footage of a temporary freestanding business sign to their existing or proposed freestanding business sign for a changeable copy sign addition. If this provision is used, the business loses the right to have a temporary freestanding business sign.
      (6)   Freestanding regional center overall identification sign. One freestanding regional center overall identification sign shall be permitted adjacent to the primary entrance to developments having more than five lots and having an access point from an arterial level street. This sign shall not be counted toward the number of allowed freestanding business signs on a lot. The sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in area and 24 feet in height. The sign, if located adjacent to a designated parkway, shall meet the sign restrictions listed in § 152.075.
   (K)   The maximum area and height of freestanding business signs within nonresidential zoning districts (these districts include: OR, OR-1, OR-2, OR-3, OTF, C-R, C-N, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-M, M-1, M-2, M-3, EZ-1, PEC, PRO, W-1, W-2, W-3) PD (non-residential uses) are listed in Table 1.
(Ord. 06-08, passed 4-6-2006)