Manufactured Homes/Mobile Homes
1341.01   Regulations.
1341.99   Penalty.
   (a)   Anyone wishing to place a manufactured home/mobile home within the Village of Middleport must contact the Building Inspector to apply for the necessary building permits.
   (b)   Manufactured homes/mobile homes shall be permitted only in an R-3 District and shall conform to all regulations.
   (c)   All manufactured homes/mobile homes must comply with floodplain regulations, State of Ohio regulations, Meigs County Health Department regulations and shall be connected to the Village sewage disposal system.
   (d)   The minimum lot size to accommodate one mobile home shall be 5,000 square feet.  The minimum lot shall have fifty feet frontage and 100 feet depth.  The dwelling must be a minimum of twenty feet from any existing structures situated on adjacent properties and a minimum of five feet from the property line on one side and a minimum of ten feet from the property line on the other side for a total of fifteen feet, unless the five feet or ten feet violates the twenty feet from the adjacent structure rule.  The minimum front yard must be twenty feet setback from the street curb.  The minimum rear yard must be fifteen feet.  See Sections 1113.74, 1113.76 and 1133.06(b).
   (e)   The manufactured/mobile home must be no older than four years of age, and have proof of legal title.
   (f)   The tongue must be removed.
   (g)   The manufactured/mobile home must be skirted with metal, vinyl or block of a type approved for skirting of mobile homes.  Skirting shall be installed within thirty days from the date the mobile home is placed in position on the lot.
   (h)   The minimum size porch on a manufactured/mobile home must be 4 feet by 8 feet with floor and handrail.
   (i)   No person shall occupy any travel trailer or manufactured or mobile home while it is being used as a conveyance upon a street or highway.
   (j)   No manufactured/mobile home can be moved onto property for storage or left vacant longer than thirty days.
   (k)   Campers or boats are not to be used for living quarters.
   (l)   Mobile home parks are prohibited.
   (m)   The removal of a manufactured/mobile home from a lot requires a Demolition Permit.
   (n)   The Council shall have the right in their sole discretion, to refuse permission to anyone to park a manufactured/mobile home, if in the judgment of the Council said manufactured/mobile home is unfit or unsuitable for human habitation.
(Ord. 24-08.  Passed 5-26-08.)
1341.99  PENALTY.
   A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be considered a third degree misdemeanor, and anyone being found guilty thereof shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and/or confinement in the Village or County jail not exceeding sixty days.  (Ord. 24-08.  Passed 5-26-08.)