(a) In order to classify, regulate and restrict the location of businesses, industries, residences and recreation and other land uses, and the location of buildings designed for specified uses; to regulate and limit the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures hereafter erected or altered; to regulate and limit the percentage of lot area which may be occupied; and to establish set-back lines, sizes of yards and other open spaces within and surrounding such buildings and the density of population; the incorporated territory of the City is hereby divided into zoning use districts. All such regulations are uniform for each class or kind of building, structure or use throughout each zoning district. Such districts shall be known as:
District Name | Abbreviation |
District Name | Abbreviation |
Residential Districts | |
One-Family A Residential District | R1-A |
One-Family Cluster Units District | R1-C |
Townhouse Cluster Residential District | R2-F |
Residential Multifamily District | RMF |
Senior Facility District | SF |
Public Facilities Districts | |
Public - Institutional District | P-I |
Business Districts | |
General Business District | GB |
Office District | O |
Mixed Use District | |
Planned Mixed Use District | PMU |
Industrial District | |
General Industrial District | GI |
(b) In order to redesignate the currently existing zoning classifications, all districts are as shown on the officially adopted Zoning Map which accompanies original Ordinance 1982-170, passed March 22, 1983. No buildings or premises shall be erected or used except in conformity with the regulations prescribed for the use districts in which such buildings or premises are located and with all other regulations contained in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2022-24.Passed 5-24-22; Ord. 2023-6. Passed 6-27-23.)