The following plants are representative of those to be utilized in the bufferyard or landscape requirements of this Zoning Code.
These trees are hardy in Zones 5-6, are deciduous and reach a mature height as indicated by the following: Large - sixty feet, Medium - forty feet, Small - twenty feet. Other shade trees which are native and hardy to Zones 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
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Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | European Beech Fagussylvatica | Norway Maple Acer platanoides |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba(male only) | Pin Oak QuercusPalustris |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Red Maple Acer rubrum(SPP) | |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Scarlet Oak Quercuscoccinea | Red Oak Quercusrubra |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | London Plane Tree Plantanus x acerifolia | Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Sugar Maple Acer saccharum | Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Willow Oak Quercusphellos | Elm Ulmusparvifolia |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Shumardi Oak Quercusshumardii | Shingle Oak Quercusimbricaria |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Callery Pear Pyruscalleryana | Littleleaf Linden Tiliacordata |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Japanese Pagoda Tree Sophora japonica | Japanese Zelkova Zelkovaserrata |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Thornless Gleditsiatriacanthos(SPP) | Honey Locust |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | River Birch Betulanigra | Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllumjaponicum |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Sourwood Oxydendronarboreum | Hedge Maple Acer campestre |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Amur Maple Acer ginnala | Paperbark Maple Acer griseum |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | European Hornbeam Carpinusbetulus | Hornbeam Ostryavirginiana |
These trees are hardy in Zones 5-6, are deciduous and reach a mature height not exceeding thirty feet. Other flowering trees which are native and hardy to Zones 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Callery Pear Pyruscalleryana | Downy Serviceberry Amelanchiercanadensis |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Crabapple Malus varieties | Allegheny Serviceberry Amelanchierlaevis |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Eastern Redbud Cerciscanadensis | Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Dogwood Lilac Syringareticulata | Green Hawthorne Crataegusvirdis |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Golden Raintree Koelreutariapaniculata | Witch Hazel Hamamelisvirginiana |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Sargent Cherry Prunissargentii | Saucer Magnolia Magnolia soulangiana |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Star Magnolia Magnolisstellata |
These trees that are hardy in Zones 5-6, are evergreen, can reach a mature height over thirty feet, and if not limbed-up can create a screen from the ground level up. Other evergreen trees which are native and hardy to Zones 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | American Holly Ilex opaca | Austrian Pine Pinusnigra |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Canadian Hemlock Tsugacanadensis | Carolina Hemlock Tsugacaroliniana |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Eastern Red Cedar Juniperusvirginiana | Colorado Blue Spruce Piceapungens |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Norway Spruce Piceaabies | Scotch Pine Pinussylvestris |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora | White Fir Abiesconcolor |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | White Pine Pinusstrobus |
These perennial woody plants grow at least three feet in height, are tolerant in Zones 5-6 and are deciduous. Other deciduous shrubs which are native and hardy to Zones 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Burning Bush Euonymus alatus | Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatumtomentosum |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Forsythia Species Quince Chaenomelesspeciosa | Shrub Cinquefoil Potentillafruticosa |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Spreading Cotoneaster Berberisjulianne |
These perennial woody plants grow at least three feet in height, are tolerant in Zones 5-6 and are evergreen. Other evergreen shrubs which are native and hardy to Zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Anglojap Yew Taxus x media | Blue Holly Ilex x meserveae |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Chinese Juniper Juniperischinensis | Japanese Holly Ilex crenata |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Japanese Yew Taxuscuspidata | Korean Boxwood Buxusmicrophyllakoreana |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Leatherleaf Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum | Mugho Pine Pinusmugho |
Common Plant Names Plant Botanical Name | Spreading Yew Taxus x media |
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22.)