(a)   The property owner(s) and/or tenant(s) shall have a continued obligation to maintain the required landscaping and buffering elements, parking lot surfaces, private access drives as provided for in striping, signing, etc. in good condition.
      (1)   Landscaping shall be kept alive and maintained in a healthy and orderly manner.
      (2)   Parking lot surfaces shall be kept free of holes and substantial deterioration.
      (3)   Striping shall be clearly visible.
      (4)   Parking lot directional signs shall be kept in place and clearly legible.
   (b)   Parking areas for five or more spaces shall be marked with paint lines, curbs, or in some similar manner approved by the Planning Commission and shall be maintained in a clearly visible condition.
   (c)   The Building Commissioner shall have the authority to prohibit the use of the area for parking purposes unless and until proper maintenance, repair or rehabilitation is affected.
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22.)